Rosie’s sun catcher table – part 2

In the last video, I finished the table top.
This time I want to try something fancy for legs.
Actually, I thought I might get away with only one leg.
You’ll just have to watch to see if Mrs CONTACT agrees…
Make-n-Do is the CONTACT Editor’s personal ‘playlist’ on the CONTACT YouTube Channel, where the philosophy is making do with the tools and materiel I have and making and doing as an escape from the computer (though, ironically, the video editing then ties me to the computer for almost as many hours as I spent Make-n-Do in the shed in the first place )
Also on the CONTACT YouTube Channel…
- Military News – hundreds of military-news videos
- The Making of CONTACT – an editor’s-eye-view of story selection, page layouts and more
- Shots from the Editor’s Desk – infotainment loosely relevant to CONTACT publishing
- Mavic Pro – non-military missions with the CONTACT drone
- Make-n-Do – shots from the editor’s shed
- Personal vlogs – grandkids, holidays, personal time – like a real YouTube vlogger

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