Remembrance Day 2021 – in thongs and gongs

Today I attended a very special surfing session with the Veteran Surf Project at Seven Mile Beach, Gerroa, NSW.
On this, the 11th of the 11th – Remembrance Day – we remember and honour the courage and sacrifice of those who served our country and those who have given their life in service to our nation in war, war-like and peacekeeping operations.
Remembrance Day 2021 marks the 103rd anniversary of the signing of the Armistice between Allied forces and Germany on 11 November 1918, which ended the First World War.
While thousands marked Remembrance Day in their own preferred manner, the Veteran Surf Project organised an Aboriginal Smoking Ceremony, another great healing session in the water and a unique remembrance service dressed in jackets with medals over board shorts and thongs.
Please remember too, more than 2500 Australian Defence Force personnel are currently deployed on operations overseas and within Australia, actively protecting Australia as well as assisting in the fight against COVID-19.

Geez, Lads a bit casual it wasn’t Friday you know!!! Brian, I hope you had sunscreen on!!! Or at least a hat!
I spent 11 Nov 2021 at NCVH Concord Repatriation Hospital with a wonderful group of supportive people and at Michael’s Place (Lt. Michael Fussell R.A.A.- R.I.P.) (Fussell House)
Spent Cartridge
Chrome dome = solar panel for a sex machine 😉