Please use ANZAC not Anzac

As, what I believe to be, the premier defence force publication please, please, please stop authors using ‘Anzac’.
It is ‘ANZAC’
Regards, Tracy.
Hi Tracy,
Sorry to ruffle your feathers further – but, officially it is more proper that Anzac should be used when referring to anything that isn’t specifically the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps – for example, Anzac Day.
DVA is the authority on this subject. Find what they say on the matter, here.
The Australian War Memorial has a long explanation of usage since 1915, but doesn’t specifically say which way we should use it – though they do link to DVA as the authoritative source.
The same is true in New Zealand.
That said, however, it isn’t a hard-and-fast rule, according to DVA.
What’s more important is consistency.
But, I’m on your side. Therefore, CONTACT’s house style or rule is, ANZAC in all cases.
That said, I can’t edit/vet every post, but I do my best to keep it consistent.
Brian Hartigan
P.S. Thank you very much for holding CONTACT in such high regard 😉
