HOLY COW – What a year!!!

HOLY COW!!! What a year – and I’m not even talking about COVID-19 or bushfires!
2020 was CONTACT’s best year ever in terms of audience reach, engagement and support – for which I thank you all most sincerely.
So – the new official record for page views on this here web site is…..
To help us attract that many readers to our site, we set another new-record –– 1105 new posts on this web site.
That’s an average of just over 3 posts per day, every single day of the year – though, obviously, some days were skipped (because we’re human and need a break from time to time) and other days we posted more.
We also produced 44 new YouTube videos (significantly less than previous years), four magazines and one Yearbook.
Defence’s magnificent coverage of Operation Bushfire Assist (174 stories that we were delighted to share) also helped boost our record year – contrasted sharply by Defence’s pathetic and frustrating Operation COVID-19 Assist ‘coverage’.
We also embarked on, and resigned from, a charitable sideline.
At the end of the year, with just a few downs countered by many ups – and despite the global pandemic – CONTACT is thriving.
And, while we wonder how we can possibly top this new record, we remember thinking the exact same thing 12 months ago (after scoring 4.2million page views).
So, bring on 2021!!!
