IGADF Afghanistan Inquiry Report press conference

Australia’s Chief of Defence Force General Angus Campbell faced the media today for about an hour, speaking on the contents of the Inspector-General of the Australian Defence Force Afghanistan Inquiry’s report, and answering questions.

CAPTION: Chief of the Defence Force General Angus Campbell announces the findings of the Inspector-General of the Australian Defence Force Afghanistan Inquiry at Russell Offices in Canberra. Photo by Jay Cronan.

Key points we’ve picked out so far are that…

  • 39 unlawful killings were identified
  • 25 individual soldiers are accused of involvement
  • 2nd SAS Squadron will be struck from the Army’s Orbat (order of battle)
  • 2nd SAS Squadron will have its Meritorious Unit Citation revoked
  • a review of meritorious- and distinguished-service awards for officers in the chain of command will be reviewed
  • individual gallantry awards will be reviewed after the court process is finished

The full press conference broadcast live on Facebook


The redacted public version of the IGADF Afghanistan Inquiry Report can be downloaded here.









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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

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