ADF adds 7 new cases of COVID-19 in a weekend
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After adding two new cases of COVID-19 over the weekend, Defence added two plus three* more today, Monday 16 November.
*CONTACT checked Defence’s official figures this afternoon at 4.36pm and began to write this update.
We double-checked again at 5.30pm, just to make sure – and found another 3 cases had been added since knockoff time.
The total of confirmed COVID-19 cases Defence has recorded now stands at 108.
All seven cases over this past weekend were recorded as occurring ‘overseas’, bringing that total to 54. The discrepancy between this and other figures on our map is because we moved the numbers to where we knew the people to be, not where the disease was actually contracted (we’ll probably re-align our figures with Defence’s in future, because the information we need, to keep our map accurate/useful is not forthcoming).
Domestic contamination has not changed since one confusing case was added in Sydney on 27 October.
For future reference/history and to help keep the record as straight as we can under the circumstances, CONTACT is keeping a searchable index of ADF COVID-19 cases – because Defence isn’t.

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