Study looking at Henderson shipbuilding expansion

The Federal and Western Australian governments are sponsoring a series of studies to inform the future development of the Australian Marine Complex (AMC) at Henderson in Western Australia.

UNRELATED PHOTO: After four weeks at sea, NUSHIP Supply arrived at Fleet Base West on Friday 2 October 2020 to commence her Australian fit-out. Supply is one of the new large ships mentioned by the minister, below. ADF photo from Facebook.

The studies will encompass aspects such as wharf design, shiplift and docking options, vessel transfer paths, new berth options, security, utilities, facilities and amenities, and integrated transport solutions.

Minister for Defence Linda Reynolds said the AMC played a vital role in providing support to Defence, commercial shipbuilding and repair, the resource sector, and offshore oil and gas.

“AMC is a key sustainment hub for Australia’s surface and submarine fleets, and is one of only two sites identified for shipbuilding under the National Naval Shipbuilding Plan,” Minister Reynolds said.

“Our government is already investing up to $1.5 billion in infrastructure at both Henderson and Fleet Base West at HMAS Stirling.

“I’ve been working closely with Premier McGowan and Minister Papalia on shaping the future of the Henderson Maritime Precinct.

“The Federal government will invest more than $9 million over two years to produce these detailed studies that will build on the strategic infrastructure and land use planning which has been commissioned by the State Government.

“By leveraging off the precinct’s existing industry presence, these studies will explore opportunities to collaborate on technology development and innovation.”

The Australian Marine Complex, located around 23km south of Perth, was established by the Western Australian Government with Federal assistance in 2003.

“AMC is perfectly situated to evolve its capabilities as Defence introduces larger and more complex ships and submarines, while also supporting the other users of the Complex,” Minister Reynolds said.

“This initiative will create new jobs for local companies, inform future federal and state investment in infrastructure, and also promote new investment opportunities for the Australian finance sector.”









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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

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