PTSD Awareness Day – Julie-Ann Finney’s view

Today, June 27, is three years since Jesse Bird took his life. It is also World PTSD Day. To acknowledge this, I will be tying 600 yellow ribbons on trees in Adelaide, one for every veteran lost in recent times. Similar events are taking place in Canberra and Coffs Harbour.

CAPTION: Jesse Bird and Dave Finney

Today, wherever you are, will you join me in placing a yellow ribbon around a tree and honouring the memory of Jesse Bird and every Veteran we’ve lost to this crisis?

If our government had listened to Jesse’s brave and articulate parents, would so many more veterans have been lost? We will never know.

Today, I will be placing yellow ribbons  along ANZAC Centenary Memorial Walk on the corner of Kintore Avenue and North Terrace, Adelaide between 8am and 4pm. Various politicians have been invited to attend to tie a yellow ribbon and you are invited too.

In Coffs Harbour, you can head down to the Coffs Harbour Jetty Forseshore.

If you’re in Canberra, you can find out more details here.

If you are unable to walk by, please tie yellow ribbons where ever you may be, and send me the photos via the Vets We Forget Facebook page.

The Liberal Party policy is that the new Commissioner will be appointed to investigate future suicides. We are unsure why the Morrison government is asking for more suicides, when clearly, we have had enough. Prior to the new Commissioner, a one-off review into past suicides will take place.

That’s right, another review!

We need the legal findings of a Royal Commission to give veterans avenues to ensure they are looked after now and into the future.

Remember Jesse – remember the veterans we have lost – remember the veterans who struggle – and remind the Morrison government that we will accept nothing less than a Royal Commission.

Please come out in support of all who serve and who have served.

We won’t forget you Jesse, we won’t forget any of you.

Julie-Ann Finney, proud mother of Dave Stafford Finney.


If you or someone you know needs help, please phone Lifeline on 131 114, Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800 or Beyond Blue on 1300 224 636.

And please support Julie-Ann Finney’s call for a Royal Commission into Veteran Suicide.





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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

One thought on “PTSD Awareness Day – Julie-Ann Finney’s view

  • 07/06/2021 at 11:12 am

    Thank you for sharing your story and starting the Yellow Ribbon Project.
    I will tie ribbons ob the tree in front of my house.
    I have been supporting Jackie Lambie’s campaign and I am astounded by how long it has taken to achieve some results but I do not think a Royal Commission is the way to go.
    Ellen Hiscock-Bowman


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