First cadet to fly solo in new DA40

Cadet Sergeant Mark Hargreaves of No 402 Squadron (Watsonia) recently achieved his first solo powered flight – and became the first Air Force Cadet to fly solo in AAFC’s new DA40 NG trainer.

CAPTION:CSGT Mark Hargreaves is congratulated after his first solo powered flight by EFTS Head of Operations SQNLDR Gary Presneill. CSGT Hargreaves was the first Air Force Cadet to fly solo in the new DA40 NG. Photo by SQNLDR(AAFC) Scott Wiggins.

Flying Officer (AAFC) Paul Rosenzweig, Public Affairs & Communication Officer for Aviation Operations Wing, said, “This achievement by CSGT Hargreaves and his six colleagues officially opens up a new era in aviation training”.

EFTS recently ran the first flying training course using the new DA40 NG aircraft.

Staff Officer Operations with Aviation Operations Wing, Squadron Leader (AAFC) Scott Wiggins, said, “A total of seven cadets on this flying-training course flew their first solo in the DA40 NG aircraft. We heartily congratulate each one of them on achieving this milestone in their career”.

The DA40 NG features modern avionics and a turbocharged jet-fuel piston engine, with contemporary navigation and flight control systems.

The first aircraft in Australia are being operated by the AAFC’s new Elementary Flying Training School (EFTS) at RAAF Base Point Cook in Victoria.

It has previously been reported that the Australian Air Force Cadets would be receiving eight Diamond DA40 NG light aircraft to help them with their flight training – read the original CONTACT story here.

Minister for Defence Personnel Darren Chester made the formal announcement at the Australian International Airshow 2019 at Avalon.

Leasing these eight modern aircraft for exclusive use by the Australian Air Force Cadets is intended to inspire young Australians to pursue a career in aviation.

As an air-minded youth organisation, the AAFC has the mission of developing young Australians in a military and aviation environment. The EFTS is a subordinate unit of Aviation Operations Wing (AOW), which has the aim of delivering flying pathways through gliding and powered flying experiences and training.










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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

One thought on “First cadet to fly solo in new DA40

  • 21/04/2019 at 1:12 pm

    The Australian Air Force Cadets is an air-minded youth development organisation set in a military and aviation environment, administered and actively supported by the RAAF. Aviation Operations Wing has the aim of delivering flying pathways through gliding and powered flying experiences and training.


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