Aust/PNG MoU on Manus Island navy-base extension
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Australia and Papua New Guinea reached another milestone in the bilateral relationship with the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding for the Joint Initiative at Lombrum Naval Base.
FILE PHOTO: Manus Island Regional Processing Centre (MIRPC) staff board an Australian landing craft at Lombrum Naval Base, Manus Island. Photo by Sergeant W Guthrie.
Minister for Defence Christopher Pyne said the MoU was a significant step forward in the Lombrum Joint Initiative, which will increase interoperability between Australia’s and PNG’s defence forces and provide greater opportunities for training and joint activities, as demonstrated by HMAS Choules’ recent visit to Lombrum Naval Base.
“The joint initiative will enhance PNG Defence Force capability to protect its borders and maritime resources through a broad program of mentoring, tailored training, infrastructure development and shared facilities at the PNG Defence Force base,” Minister Pyne said.
“This MoU provides a broad framework to guide PNG and Australia’s cooperation under this initiative.
“Increased cooperation at the PNG Defence Force base in Manus Province is a natural extension of our longstanding and collaborative Defence partnership, and demonstrates the Australian government’s commitment to the ‘Pacific Step Up’.”

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And this has absolutely nothing to do with the Northern Territory Governments appallingly bad decision to sell the very strategic port of Darwin to our very close freinds the Chinese by any chance. I also read a lot of other nations defence publications and a certain US publication only last month mentioned being part of a three nations agreement to reconstruct an WW2 naval base in the western pacific. Two of those nations being the USA and Australia and one other unnamed nation. The other thing that always gets me is the amount of information out there to do with the worlds military forces that anyone feels like looking into will give you things like weapons, troop numbers and make ups . Bases , what they are doing what they are doing and what they are capable of doing. Also there are sites where you can look at bases all over the world taken from satellites that are only slightly less useful than what military satellites give. It’s truly amazing and yet perfectly legal! Various countries including ours have tried to stop it and have so far failed miserably. As an old retired veteran I just find that it seems that it is just about impossible to keep things truly secret so governments seem to now just tell everyone everything.