Australian Veterans’ Covenant and card coming soon

The Australian Defence Veterans’ Covenant was announced by the government on 27 October last year.

The Covenant encourages Australia to recognise and acknowledge the unique nature of military service, and support veterans and their families.

The Covenant includes an oath, which the Australian people will be encouraged to take at community commemorative events, such as Remembrance Day.

The new Veteran Card and an Australian Veteran Lapel Pin and a Reservist Lapel Pin underpin the Covenant.

The intention of the Covenant is to provide employers, businesses, local communities, and veteran and sporting organisations the opportunity to commit to supporting veterans and their families.

Cards will be issued automatically – first to new DVA ‘customers’ followed automatically to existing DVA health card holders (Gold or White) and concession card holders (Orange).

The new-look card will be issued automatically over coming months, along with a Veteran Lapel Pin and Oath as part of a phased roll-out.

New DVA cards will be issued soon
        New DVA cards will be issued soon

The Oath

A key objective of the Covenant is recognition and support of the Australian community for veterans and their families.

The Oath is a declaration on behalf of the Australian people to give an enduring and formal recognition of the valued contribution that current and former members of the Australian Defence Force (ADF) and their families make today, and have made in the past, to our country.

The Oath is not intended to replace the Ode, but is an additional commitment of respect to Australia’s military veterans.

The Oath may be said at special events such as community commemorative events, such as Remembrance Day.

Veteran Lapel Pin and Reservist Lapel Pin

The Veteran Lapel Pin and Reservist Lapel Pin provide a way for the public to recognise and connect with veterans and acknowledge their service to the nation. The pins will help identify veterans when they aren’t wearing their uniform or medals.

The pins will be available for distribution in the first half of this year.











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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

21 thoughts on “Australian Veterans’ Covenant and card coming soon

  • 13/08/2020 at 8:32 pm

    How about a lapel badge for those of us who volunteered to join a civilian surgical teams in vietnam? Or allow us to wear the new lapel badge. We were given the Veterans Açtive Services Medal for our service, but not allowed the lapel badge. We were there. We were shot at. We were rocketed. We were given weapons to protect ourselves, by the Americans. We did our bit and were ostricised, like the military guys on return. Fair go.

  • 01/02/2019 at 4:20 pm

    As for the card I can take it or leave it, a much better idea would be to improve the wait time that we are subjected to when we ring the DVA line.

  • 31/01/2019 at 7:08 am

    So true; how many also didn’t go outside the wire or just flew in for the day from Canberra to get a gong.
    It happened.

  • 30/01/2019 at 5:19 pm

    Can anyone provide information on members who are veterans and still serving. The majority of SNCO who have complete 10 years or move who have seen multiple deployments and are still very able body to continue to serve. This means not DVA claims. No DVA claims means no requirement for gold card.
    Will these curremt serving members be in the first or second wave of issuing these cards

  • 29/01/2019 at 1:38 pm

    Is this anything other than government propaganda?

    Why have our ESO’s allowed veterans entitlements to consistently diminish over time and then present this to us as something worthwhile.

    I suspect if implemented government will use it as a justification to remove some of the smaller existing veterans entitlements.

    WTF is going on with the government proposing Australian civilians offer an oath the veterans. I very much doubt if the 1st or 2nd AIFs would stand for this crap.

    Veterans vote right, why don’t we get together and vote for a party to protects our entitlements instead of this drivvle.

  • 29/01/2019 at 8:37 am

    The whole thing is a waste of time and money. It is a political stunt. If you are wounded or injured you are already issued a DVA Gold or White Card. If you are a veteran you should wear your Return from Active Service Badge (RASB) only when not wearing medals. The RASB is for wearing when it is not appropriate to wear medals eg a wedding or a funeral of a non-service family member. That is it’s purpose, check the writing! The wearing of a pin (Full Time or Reserve forces) is in my opinion a waste of time and can harm a members employment opportunities. As a Full Timer you are now tainted with possibly having PTSD; as a Part Time member you are seen as being not fully committed to your civilian employer. I have experienced both and have see it happen to others.

    The Oath is just silly and I can not see it taking off (I hope); we already have the ode. Don’t confuse civilians. Most don’t care anyway, they are too busy having a beer, BBQ and a weekend trip at the beach. The vast majority of Australians have very little to do with or knowledge of military service and care even less. That’s the reality, suck it up.

  • 28/01/2019 at 6:29 pm

    Currently a TPI recipient, so I dont pay GST on vehicle spare parts. So what our local **** garage does is “fluff” the price up even more by charging for the “hire” of a special tool, he said he need to do the job. When confronted about it the story changed, he didn’t now require the special tool.
    I’m sure not all business will be like ***** and RIP off veterans, but still need to be aware that not all discounts are discounts.

  • 28/01/2019 at 11:39 am

    Given that this appears to have excellent community support, why are the government dividing us by introducing Regular and Reserve versions of the Pin and Cards? There are significant numbers currently that have Peacetime and operational service in both, so what faction has intervened from within the Veteran community to lobby the government to foster what amounts to segregation.

  • 27/01/2019 at 11:35 pm

    Why do we need a pin to say what we have done , Wakey Wakey you Govt officials we have all been issued with the Return from Active Service Badge why not promote that service persons wear it more often than just Anzac Day

    • 29/01/2019 at 7:05 am

      There are thousands of veterans that served that didn’t qualify for an Active Service Badge!

      • 29/01/2019 at 10:32 pm

        Then they are ex service not veterans.

        • 30/01/2019 at 11:43 am

          According to your narrow interpretation of the word, how many of your so-called veterans actually had operational service rather than just being there in thetime and place of a declared war zone?

          • 31/01/2019 at 7:03 am

            So true; how many also didn’t go outside the wire or just flew in for the day from Canberra to get a gong.
            It happened.

      • 01/02/2019 at 4:12 pm

        Then there are those who qualify for an Active Service badge for serving in an area where there wasn’t any active service!

  • 27/01/2019 at 10:53 pm

    A similar idea to this was proposed in the days of the “Whiteboard Queen” Senator Ros Kelly, I said proposed but really it was promised for all ex servicemen and women, I hope this plan progresses a lot further and actually comes to fruition.

  • 27/01/2019 at 7:03 pm

    I am amazed that the government is doing this although a good start to recognize the veterans. However, it seems to me the better ways is to stop the blockage between submission of claim to finalization by DVA. Or maybe a increase in pensions? Or maybe finance the dog program for veterans with PTSD. Sorry I am dreaming

  • 27/01/2019 at 5:24 pm

    If the Government is introducing this, them they have to give all ex-Servicemen/women this card, including those covered under the Safety Rehabilitation and Compensation Act of 1988 and while they are at it give these
    Ex-Servicemen/women the Gold Card, instead of the white card. They have served as well.
    Brian O’Neill JP
    Advocate Level Four

  • 27/01/2019 at 4:44 pm

    Could you explain the difference between the Veteran & Reservists Lapel Pin please, personally I feel there should be any differeance . Can a member wear both, if elegible.

    Thank you

  • 27/01/2019 at 12:42 pm

    The Veteren’s Covenant Idea is Awesome. Finally some a system to start putting some proper and good positive incentives to rewards those people who are truly deserving, instead of feeding crime, abuse and evil and immoral peoples misconduct and greed around the world through those who exploit the unlimited money and power [MAP] that I personally generate from behind the scenes in [IMTV] True Industries, currently hidden from the world. Speak with Mr Mark Cunliffe from ADF Legal for more information. Well Done on setting up this program to allow positive additional rewarding resources to start to flow in the right direction and better still doing it without the evils that hide behind the Roman Catholic Popes and Archdiocese. Your heroes saved the day, NOT Jesus Christ, the FAKE SAVIOUR, please make sure all your troops and veterens know it and take pride in their history, their legacy and themselves. The Human Race would not have and will not survive without them and people like them of that calibre of personal characteristics and qualities. I love them and am grateful everyday for their presence, including in the eternal dimensions.


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