2018 National Aviation Competition


Two Air Force Cadets from No 6 Wing (South Australia and Mildura) had the privilege of competing recently in the 2018 Australian Air Force Cadets National Aviation Competition.

CAPTIONThe 6 Wing competitors at the newly-named Air Chief Marshal Mark Binskin Aviation Centre: Cadet Corporal Nicholas Sibly from 601 Squadron (left) and Cadet Sergeant Callum Rowett from No 617 Squadron, with Squadron Leader (AAFC) Dennis Medlow, Head of Operations-Gliding, Aviation Operations Wing. Photo by Squadron Leader (AAFC) Billy Gleeson-Barker.

The competition was held in NSW from 28 November to 2 December at the Bathurst Aviation Centre (BATAC) at Bathurst Airport.

In an event of some significance, on Saturday 1 December 2018 the centre was renamed the ‘Air Chief Marshal Mark Binskin Aviation Centre’.

Among the 19 cadets representing their respective Wings, the South Australian representatives in the gliding component were Cadet Sergeant Callum Rowett (No 617 Squadron, Unley High School), aged 18, and Cadet Corporal Nicholas Sibly (No 601 Squadron, Keswick Barracks), aged 16.

Participants were required to complete three flights (one familiarisation flight and two assessed flights), as well as a theory component to assess their general aeronautical knowledge.

No 3 Wing, winners of the WGCDR(AIRTC) Nev Currey Award for the Overall Best Wing in Powered Flight and Gliding, deserve hearty congratulations.

Although the two South Australian competitors did not bring home a trophy, CSGT Rowett and CCPL Sibly came first in the theory component of the gliding competition. 

In addition, they were given a special mention by the judges on their ability to adapt to aero-tow launches in their assessed flights during the competition despite never having used that launch method before.

Squadron Leader (AAFC) Dennis Medlow, Head of Operations-Gliding, Aviation Operations Wing, said: “The NAC again demonstrated the tremendous talent possessed by our young aviators in the AAFC. Everyone that competed demonstrated their skill and airmanship and worked as a team to ensure we had a safe and enjoyable experience”.

The Commanding Officer of No 906 Aviation Training Squadron, Squadron Leader (AAFC) Nicolaas Robbertse said, “These two Cadets did 6 Wing proud”.

No 906 Aviation Training Squadron is the new designation for the former 600 Aviation Training Squadron, after the aviation training squadrons came under the authority of Aviation Operations Wing, the ninth wing of the AAFC. No 906 Aviation Training Squadron operates in direct support of No 6 Wing, AAFC. The Commanding Officer and staff of No 906 Aviation Training Squadron congratulate all award winners, and thank the organising team from Aviation Operations Wing, 3 Wing and Cadet Branch-Air Force for another successful national competition. 








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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

One thought on “2018 National Aviation Competition

  • 09/12/2018 at 1:00 pm

    The Australian Air Force Cadets (AAFC) is a youth oriented organisation which operates in a military and aviation environment. For recruitment enquiries in South Australia (cadet, staff, aviation instructor) pls contact: paco.6wg (at) aafc.org.au

    For more information on the AAFC in SA: http://6wg.aafc.org.au/squadrons


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