Singapore moves Chinook training to Oakey

Five Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) Chinook helicopters arrived at the Army Aviation Training Centre at Oakey, Queensland, earlier this month.
CAPTION: A Royal Singapore Air Force CH-47 Chinook flies over the Nevada Test and Training Range, during a Red Flag 17-2 combat search and rescue mission. USAF photo by Airman 1st Class Kevin Tanenbaum.
The Chinooks are located at Oakey in order to access the outstanding flying training environment available on the Darling Downs.
The Chinooks will operate under the terms of the Oakey Treaty between Australia and Singapore, and are expected to commence flying activities this month.
Australian Army Aviation flying training operations will not be affected.
Singapore’s Chinooks arrived by boat from America recently.
Singapore’s Chinook flying training had been conducted alongside the Texas National Guard at Grand Prairie, Texas, since 1996, with the last pilots trained under that arrangement graduating earlier this year.
Singapore also operates 10 CH-47SD Chinooks and is acquiring an unspecified number of F models.
RSAF has maintained a continuous detachment of training aircraft (Super Pumas) at the Army Aviation Training Centre at Oakey since 1996 and this latest addition marking a significant increase in its commitment in south-east Queensland.
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