6 Wing Cadets participate in National Youth Week

National Youth Week runs from 31 March to 9 April and prominent among the activities being conducted by young Australians this week are the many ongoing opportunities for Air Force Cadets.

CAPTIONNo 6 Wing Air Force Cadets on duty at the recent Barossa Air Show with the Air Force Roulettes team: (left to right) Cadet Danielle Webb, Leading Cadets Kelly and Emma Parkin, Cadet Corporal Courtney Semmler, Leading Cadet Hayley Whitehorn and Cadet Sergeant Casey Dibben.

Leading Cadet Levi Schubert receives his Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Bronze Award badge and certificate from the 6 Wing DEA Coordinator Flight Lieutenant (AAFC) Rae Nicholas.
Leading Cadet Levi Schubert receives his Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Bronze Award badge and certificate from the 6 Wing DEA Coordinator Flight Lieutenant (AAFC) Rae Nicholas.

The Australian Air Force Cadets (AAFC) is a youth oriented organisation that is administered and actively supported by the Royal Australian Air Force.

Pilot Officer (AAFC) Paul Rosenzweig, 6 Wing Public Affairs & Communication Officer, said everything we do is underpinned by our Youth Development Philosophy.

“In the AAFC, we actually celebrate and showcase the voices of our young people every day,” Pilot Officer (AAFC) Rosenzweig said.

Just this weekend No 6 Wing Cadets were again busy achieving.

No 600 (Aviation Training) Squadron ran continuation training at Gawler airfield for trainee glider pilots.

No 602 Squadron from Woodside held a dining-in night at Salisbury RSL to foster camaraderie and esprit de corps within the unit, to learn Service customs and traditions, and to honour the fallen.

Other cadets developed their ceremonial and team-building skills in Adelaide practicing for the Anzac Youth Vigil.

And, at Rowland Flat No 608 (Town of Gawler) Squadron ran a recruiting and information display at the Barossa Air Show, later joined by the Air Force Roulettes, the RAAF’s aerobatic display team.

6 Wing Air Force Cadets improving their Service knowledge at the National Military Vehicle Museum (left to right): Cadets Lachlan Jenkins and Sarah Sha (both now reclassified as Leading Cadets), Cadet Under Officer Aaron Musk, and Cadet Corporal Anthony Sanchez. As well as progressing in the AAFC, Leading Cadets Jenkins and Sha have just qualified to receive the Bronze Award of The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award.
6 Wing Air Force Cadets improving their Service knowledge at the National Military Vehicle Museum – Cadets Lachlan Jenkins and Sarah Sha (both now Leading Cadets), Cadet Under Officer Aaron Musk, and Cadet Corporal Anthony Sanchez. Leading Cadets Jenkins and Sha have also just qualified to receive the Bronze Award of The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award.

The Cadets who ran the Barossa Air Show display practiced their public speaking and community engagement skills, while senior cadets exercised their leadership and management skills.

One of the highlights of the day for the Cadets was to not only see the Roulettes in the air, but to work with the team on the ground.

Of note, among the cadets on duty at the Air Show were two Gold-level and two Bronze-level participants in The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award – the world’s leading youth achievement award, which equips young people for life and work through experiences outside the classroom.

Participation in the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award complements perfectly the youth development philosophy of the Australian Air Force Cadets.











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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

One thought on “6 Wing Cadets participate in National Youth Week

  • 03/04/2017 at 11:43 am

    The Australian Air Force Cadets (AAFC) is a youth oriented organisation which operates in a military and aviation environment. For recruitment enquiries in South Australia (cadet, staff, aviation instructor) pls contact: paco.6wg (at) aafc.org.au

    For more information on the AAFC in SA: http://6wg.aafc.org.au/squadrons


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