Even ANZAC Day is being commercialised

Business has done it to Christmas and then to Easter; in fact Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and Valentine’s Day where all invented by American business.

Steadily creeping and slowly growing I have noticed for many years the commercialization of ANZAC Day – but this year takes the cake.

I walked into a local store and was confronted with an array of seasonal ANZAC stuff to purchase.

Now it can be said that displaying, buying and/or wearing some of these items may engender the memory and spirit of ANZAC. But I disagree.

To me it trivialises the effort and sacrifice of the ANZACs both past and present, for profit.

It is one thing to wear a badge – quite another to use a ‘poppy garden trowel’ or shake a ‘reversed-on-arms snow globe’.

It has gone too far and I encourage all of you and your families to please remember and respect the solemnity of ANZAC Day and be mindful of the danger of commercialising it.

Many years ago we simply pinned a sprig of rosemary to our chest, to signify remembrance for the fallen.

It was a somber time not a time for politicians and jingoism.

Please consider a simple act of remembrance and avoid the commercialism.




Peter Rewko spent 33 years in the Regular and Reserve Army, and deployed overseas on exercises and operations, including Iraq in 2008. He was in the Cavalry for the majority of that time. He is still married after 25 years, with two adult sons. He lives in Beaudesert, Queensland.




2014 FILE PHOTO: Family and friends of those killed in the sinking of HMAS Voyager cast sprigs of rosemary overboard from HMAS Choules. Photo by Able Seaman Chantell Bianchi.







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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

One thought on “Even ANZAC Day is being commercialised

  • 27/03/2017 at 5:25 pm

    Have to totally agree with this. Standing in the Australia Post Line the other day and seen every conceivable Red Poppy Paraphernalia you could imagine…snowglobes, seeds, bottle openers, tea light candles and all I could do was shake my head…Tradition is just about obsolete and commercialism has taken away the heart and soul of commemoration.


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