New transition services for members pulling the pin

Minister for Defence Personnel Dan Tehan yesterday announced improved services would be rolled out to support Australian Defence Force members and their families during the transition from military to civilian life.

SOTG FILE PHOTO: A member of the Special Operations Task Group throws a grenade during a range practise in Uruzgan province, southern Afghanistan.

Mr Tehan said the new support services would include individual coaching and mentoring with a focus on helping ADF personnel find meaningful post-service employment.

“Support will be available for 12 months following separation,” Mr Tehan said.

“ADF members will also have appropriate documentation available by the time they leave Defence, as promised at the launch of the Prime Minister’s Veterans’ Employment Program in November last year.”

Defence Transition offices at Townsville, Holsworthy and Adelaide will pilot the new services and operating model before the remaining transition offices across Australia come on line throughout 2017.

“It’s so important we make the transition from military to civilian life as smooth as possible because we know that can reduce stress and give people a launch pad to succeed at the next stage of their lives,” Mr Tehan said.

“The improvements to the transition process will focus on coaching and mentoring and will allow Defence to better identify those who may need additional support and to refer them to available services.

“Defence Transition Offices will implement the improved transition services and help members and their families during the transition from the Australian Defence Force.

“Defence currently provides transition services to approximately 5500 separating ADF members each year through 13 Transition Offices located across Australia.”













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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

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