The basics of prepping

I blogged here a few weeks ago about prepping and why and what should we do to prep.
Well I’ll give you a insight on why I am a prepper and some other people’s responses about why they are prepping.
Personally, I prep for religious reasons – but whatever your reason, the basics are the same.
With all that’s happening with the Chinese and Russian war machines these days, the momentum towards destruction isn’t showing any sighs of slowing down.
I’ve also wondered why is there 5000 or so US Marines based in Darwin? And why Darwin and not Townsville or Perth? I believe they are they to protect us from China invading Australia. Have you ever read the book or seen the movie, Tomorrow When the War Began?
So what should you do to prepare?
- Store six months worth of food for your whole family. Remember, you can live on two meals a day, providing you are not doing a lot of physical work – more if you have to work to survive.
- Store as much water as you can. You should budget for two liters of water per person per day to drink – more for cleaning etc.
- You must be prepared to defend yourself from people wanting to do you harm or take something that doesn’t belong to them.
- People should be your number one resource, not guns or any of that shit. At the end of the day working in a team gets the job done and and it will make you feel a lot safer in a group.
- If you have family and friends and not within a small distance from you, you should find a mutual place where you can consolidate with your group.
At the end of the day, are you willing risk your family’s life?
Here are some comments people left on Facebook after my last post…
It’s definitely bizarre but I think we should all have an emergency plan with a few extra tins and the like just in case we do have an extended power outage, floods or fires. It’s the same for your fire emergency plan. Just be smart, the people on this show take it way too far – Matthew Porter
Spend your life worrying about the end of the world… kind of a waste of time that could be spent enjoying what you have now. I agree that an emergency plan or survival kits aren’t a bad idea, the amount of time and effort some people go to is ridiculous, particularly when they put all their preparation to one highly unlikely scenario – Gavin McTaggart
We only prep for normal stuff like natural disasters, extended power outages and short term (up to 3 weeks) disturbances to your 21st century lifestyle. This is a leftover behaviour from NZ where Civil Defence with earthquakes, volcanoes and cyclones meant you’d have to have a plan. I could plan for other things but that requires drills, endless training and an amount of spatial paranoia I’d much rather not have in my life! – Grant Turuwhenua
Maybe its just me but most of the reasons I see on doomsday preppers are a bit…out there but in saying that there’s nothing wrong with having a location where you can be safe but I believe that should be more to do with natural disasters or rioting instead of dirty bombs. The reason I say that is one of the episode of the show their safe location is in the fallout zone. Regardless the main priority should be establishing a water filtration system because while you can rely (somewhat) on boiling water you should have an easier system in place. Get some water Jerries and assign a certain amount for each task e.g a certain amount of Jerries for cleaning, bathing and more importantly drinking and food. Food shouldn’t be perishables as that’ll either require refrigeration (freezer) which in turn will use energy or..well its perishables. Canned goods are great for this (obviously) but you should also have some well being foods and liquids like cordial, lollies, spices, etc. Fuel is a bit half and half its expensive and expendable but nevertheless should be a requirement. Investing in solar energy is great as that way you will have energy because I assume you’ll be off the grid in the situation you’re preparing for. A short range walky talkie can come in handy and is fairly useful to keep track of what’s going on and to a similar extent a radio would be useful (ABC, local radio, etc). Don’t forget morale related items, get a TV with a dvd player, HDMI cable, a laptop or desktop and some spares cords and a collection of pirated movies & tv shows. Now you can have and enjoy this stuff as long as you remember to fit your place with solar panels (and preferably a way to store that excess power). Oh and of course no internet means no pornography and some of you are going to get sick of looking at your wives. Heaps of spare clothing especially cold weather gear including spare boots. Make sure you have a lot of first aid gear since you really don’t want to improvise and go straight to using vodka to clean out wounds. So make sure you have heaps of bandages, wound cleaners, medical scissors, etc. Honestly I could go on and on suggesting ideas some being practical for lower end ‘doomsday prep’ and some for those with a lot higher of an expendable income as I’ve thought a lot about this but for different situations (for example why the **** would you want to be within 50km of a dirtybombs blast radius have you heard of fallout!!! plus its an unlikely event (relatively). Call me optimistic but I see the downfall of civilization unlikely – Charles Guillot
I am Anthony Pielago. I am a student nurse and emergency responder. I’m 21 years old and live in South Australia. I’m just like any other 21-year-old, but with a goal and a passion. I enjoy the beach, driving my ute and hunting, when I have time off.
