There are big things happening around CONTACT
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There’s some big things happening around CONTACT at the moment and I thought I’d take this opportunity to highlight a few.
Thanks to Suunto watches of Finland CONTACT has not one but 2 Suunto Traverse Alpha watches to giveaway – worth $729 each!
For your chance to win one of these FANTASTIC watches, all you have to do is enter your email address and 50 words to say why you should be chosen. Current subscribers can also enter, but you must be an Australian resident.
Find more details and the link to enter, HERE.
This is the first of what we hope will be many Subscriber Giveaway competitions.
But you have to be in it to win it – and so far, fewer than 50 entries have been received for this amazing inaugural competition. If this doesn’t improve, we may have difficulty attracting other merchants to cooperate.
It costs nothing but a few seconds of your time to enter, so please help us build our message to merchants that CONTACT is a well-supported platform that deserves their attention and patronage.
Speaking of merchant supporters:
While we love all our merchant supporters (advertisers), one of CONTACT’s biggest supporters over a very long time has been Military Shop – who are about to launch a range very special discount offers especially significant to CONTACT.
Military Shop will offer up to a MASSIVE 25% OFF a wide range of products advertised in the next issue of CONTACT, which comes out on Wednesday 1 June.
To avail of these discounts, you need to use the special CONTACT-based promo codes listed in each ad.
And, if you do that, Military Shop has promised CONTACT a small commission on your purchases.
Not only that (and Military Shop didn’t know this when they sent me the ads), but this sale ends on my birthday – 8 June! So, if you spend big during this sale, not only will you benefit form some massive discounts, but you’ll be contributing to a nice little birthday present for me too 🙂
It’s CONTACT’s 50th Birthday!
Let me just clarify that. The next issue of CONTACT – which will be sent to subscribers on Wednesday 1 June – will be issue number 50.
That’s a significant milestone.
But, while it may be significant as a nice round figure, there’s a whole story behind why it is actually less significant than issue 52 for me personally.
But, rather than wait for another two issues, my editorial in this next issue explains the significant difference – only because it was on my mind recently and I was bursting for an excuse to spill the beans, rather than wait for number 52.
So now that I have (or will have on Wednesday) let the cat out of the bag, I’ll have to come up with a whole new story for issue 52. Damn – I didn’t think of that.
Anyway, I hope this point number 3 has you curious enough to head straight for my editorial on Wednesday – unless you’re too busy shopping at Military Shop, using the CONTACT promo codes 🙂
2016 hard-cover CONTACT available in 2016:
This year (2016) we published a limited-edition hard-cover coffee-table CONTACT Yearbook 2015.
It didn’t sell very well (36 copies so far) – and we think the name may have had a lot to do with that (“why would I buy a 2015 yearbook in 2016?“)
The price may also have played a part in frightening people away, but there’s not much we can do about that – they are quality, hardcover, print-on-demand books with no advertising to supplement the cost.
That said, though, for a 100-page, hard-cover coffee-table book filled with stories and no advertising, I honestly don’t think $87 including mail is outrageous. But I could be wrong (please let me know).
So, anyway, the 2016 book will have a new name (probably something completely imaginative like “CONTACT 2016” – unless you can suggest something better?)
But, probably more significantly, I hope to have it ready for sale in plenty of time for Christmas – this year – 2016. Watch out for pre-order buttons about mid to late November.
In the mean time, if you want a limited-edition, numbered and personalised copy of the CONTACT 2015 Yearbook, find it HERE. And, please note, you can also customise it (for an extra fee) to include your own or a friend’s photo on the cover, plus (for another bit extra) stories and photos of you and/or friends inside the book itself.
Here’s a final thought to leave you with. If you’re likely to buy the 2016 version (and future years) but haven’t yet bought 2015, you’ll risk starting a collection that’s missing the inaugural, limited-edition 2015 Yearbook. And you’ll surely regret that!!!

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