CONTACT issue 49 – OUT NOW

CONTACT issue 49 was published today. All subscribers should have received email notification by now.

It’s another issue jam-packed with great stories (if I do say so myself).

Actually, filling CONTACT with great stories is the easy bit, because there’s so much going on around the traps. The hard part is deciding what to leave out.

One thing (or rather a collection of things) I left out this issue was the news pages.

I didn’t think they were worth the considerable effort of their very fiddley layout, especially given that most if not all of the news that comes my way these days gets posted to the CONTACT web site on the same day I find out about it. Then the best bits are circulated in our fortnightly newsletter. So, there’s no real advantage in regurgitating the same stuff in the magazine.

CONTACT magazine is and always has been about good, solid feature articles. And that’s what I want to concentrate on going forward.

And this issue is no exception – a great collection of great stories and even better photographs.

I won’t attempt to thank everyone who contributed, because there are so many wonderful volunteers who helped out.

Just know I very very much appreciate your efforts.

If you haven’t subscribe yet, then you’re missing out on a fabulous product in CONTACT Air Land & Seathe Australian military magazine.

And if you haven’t subscribed, please do so at the link below – and find the link to the current issue of CONTACT (and many back issues) in our Archives.









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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

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