Who wants to see CONTACT printed again?

Who wants to see CONTACT printed again?

I know many of you miss the printed version of CONTACT. I’ve had much feedback and pestering from people who want me to kill some trees and spread ink on their macerated carcasses.

Well there may be an opportunity for that – but whether I go ahead with it or not is entirely up to YOU!

Issue 50 in June next year is a pretty significant milestone and I am thinking I could be persuaded to produce a special issue – in print.

The only way this can happen though, is if enough people commit to buying it in advance.

So, I’m going to ask for a show of hands. Would you be willing to pay, let’s say about $15 (including postage) for a special printed issue of CONTACT Air Land & Sea number 50?

If you just raised your hand in affirmative answer, thank you.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t see you, so you need to let me know another way.

It’s a big call I know, but, I will need to see at least 500 likes on Facebook before I’d even consider taking this idea to the next level.

And I will eventually need at least 1700 people to actually buy the magazine in advance (on a crowd-funding-type web site) before I could give the printers the go-ahead.

So, now’s your chance to prove that print might still be viable.

If you want to see this work – YOU must share my Facebook post – YOU must pester/threaten all your friends to ‘Like’ my post on FacebookYOU must campaign/fight to make this happen.

Otherwise it will be proof positive that print is dead.





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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

4 thoughts on “Who wants to see CONTACT printed again?

  • 27/12/2015 at 6:41 pm

    I like it the way it is thank you. Keep the trees pumping, and save on the ink and postage.When I see something I’ve gotta have …I print that bit! I can spread the electronic Contact far and wide with ease ,not so hard copy. So ….thanks….. but no thanks, re Contact on paper.

    • 27/12/2015 at 7:14 pm

      Thanks for your support Ian

  • 08/07/2015 at 8:18 am

    like what i read and see


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