Air-rescue bravery rewarded 40 years after event
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Nine Royal Australian Air Force crew members who risked their lives on a rescue mission for one of the worst aviation peacetime accidents in RAAF history have received commendations for their bravery.
CAPTION: The crew of the A2-487 Iroquois, at a village near Garaina, PNG, seek witnesses to the crash of a RAAF Caribou in August 1972.
On 28 August 1972, under hazardous conditions of heavy rain, poor visibility, low fuel and difficult terrain, the crew of two RAAF Iroquois helicopters searched for survivors of a missing RAAF aircraft.
A Caribou carrying 25 Papua New Guinea Army Cadets, three RAAF aviators and an Australian Army liaison officer had crashed in thick jungle while en route from Lae to Port Moresby.
After three days of searching, four survivors were sighted attempting to walk to safety in a deep ravine.
The crew rescued them, with great difficulty, given the conditions, and were directed by the survivors to the crash site.
CAPTION: Crew of the A2-487 Iroquois at a village near Garaina, PNG, seek witnesses to the crash of a RAAF Caribou in August 1972.
There, the treacherous mission began of lowering crew members into the wreck site to search for more survivors.
The helicopters took turns hovering for more than 30 minutes in a down-wind condition, nose-on into a steep slope, in a small hole between and under tree cover.
Ray Morrison, one of the winch operating crewmen, further described what it took to allow the winch cable to reach the ground.
“Graham settled into one of the tightest hovers I have ever seen,” Mr Morrison said.
“We used all the cable available and had to sit the chopper down in the trees with only a couple of feet clearance all round.”
Chris Young, one of the other pilots, said that on the following day when they took the engineers in, he was able to look up through the overhead window at major branches immediately above the main rotor.
Stan Flack, then a flight sergeant ground crew, remembered the mission with a mix of pride and sadness.
“I admit that going down into a hole in the jungle at the end of a thin wire just on dark when the wind was gusting and it was raining was a very fast learning curve for me,” Mr Flack said.
“Looking back after 50 years, I’m proud to have been involved with all the members of both crews.
“I particularly have great admiration for the captains of both aircraft.
“Unfortunately in life there are some things that you cannot leave behind – 1972 PNG is one of mine.”
While the captains of both Iroquois were awarded well-deserved Air Force Crosses (AFCs) in 1975 for their exceptional flying and captaincy skills, it is only now that all the crew members have been honoured.
Tony Lea, the detachment commander, said they were lucky to have a well-balanced, professional and dedicated team.
“Even then, as things unfolded during the actual rescue, the augmented crews were stretched to the limits,” Mr Lea said.
“The superb teamwork displayed that day was the reason for the extraordinary results achieved.”
Each of the crew members received a Chief of Air Force Group Commendation at special ceremonies.
In December, Deputy Chief of Air Force Air Vice-Marshal Harvey Reynolds presented six commendations on behalf of Chief of Air Force Air Marshal Stephen Chappell.
CAPTION: From left, Michael O’Loghlen, Ron Bishop, Graham Christian, Stan Flack, Tony Lea and Chris Young after receiving a Chief of Air Force Level 3 Group Commendation during a ceremony at 34 Squadron in Canberra. Photo by Aircraftman Jakob Reid.
Ken Tanswell’s next of kin were presented with his commendation at RAAF Base Williamtown by Air Commodore Louise DesJardins.
Neville Pratt’s commendation was presented at his home in Perth by Group Captain Peter Noake.
CAPTION: Neville Pratt is presented with his Chief of Air Force Commendation for his role in Papua New Guinea in 1972 by Group Captain Peter Noake.
Ray Morrison’s presentation was conducted at Hervey Bay by Group Captain Graeme Davies.
CAPTION: Ray Morrison receives his Chief of Air Force Commendation for his role in Papua New Guinea in 1972 from Group Captain Graeme Davis at the Hervey Bay RSL Club.
At the Canberra ceremony, Air Vice-Marshal Reynolds said the rescue and subsequent recovery was successfully accomplished due to the commitment of all those involved operating as a professional, coordinated and dedicated team.
“The bravery and dedication they showed are in keeping with the finest traditions of the Royal Australian Air Force and the Australian Defence Force,” he said.
Crew members (all retired) of the 5 Squadron Iroquois presented with a CAF Group Commendation:
Iroquois: A2-487 (three survivors rescued)
- Captain: Flying Officer Tony Lea; Co-Pilot: Pilot Officer Michael O’Loghlen.
- Crewmen: Leading Aircraftman Neville Pratt, Leading Aircraftman Ken Tanswell; Observer: Flight Sergeant Stan Flack.
Iroquois: A2-490 (two survivors rescued)
- Captain: Flying Officer Graham Christian; Co-Pilot: Flying Officer Ron Bishop.
- Crewman: Leading Aircraftman Raymond Morrison; Observer: Flying Officer Chris Young.

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what a super report on the ccash of the carabou ,well written very east to read and digest, lovely to see the late recognishion.
It is happening more often now, 40-50 years for a CAF Commendation
We are pursuing an ASM ( Counterterrorism) for the RAAF medical crew who were injured when a NAVY Wessex helicopter crashed off East Sale back around 1972. One Navy and one RAAF medical were killed
This was in support of oil rigs. All NAVY members and all SAS have been awarded the ASM yet the RAAF Medical officer and 3 other RAAF medics have been forgotten.
Yes, agree with the below comment. Job well done. Was just wondering, why so long to recognise these men for commendations?
Finally a very good recognition for all involved and congratulations go to everyone with whom I had the honour to work alongside. This was a monumental challenge and as usual the huey crews just put in everything to get the job done.