Milestone moment for joint pilot training
Acting Sub-Lieutenant Natika Dunn has made history as the first Navy trainee to graduate with wings from 1 Flying Training School at RAAF Base East Sale.
CAPTION: Navy pilot graduate Acting Sub Lieutenant Natika Dunn is awarded with ‘wings’ by Commander Fleet Air Arm Commodore Matthew Royals at 278 ADF Intermediate Pilots Course Graduation at 1 Flying Training School, RAAF Base East Sale. Photo by Flight Lieutenant Daina Sawade.
“It’s amazing to be the first Navy graduate here on the east coast,” Acting Sub-Lieutenant Dunn said.
“Being able to complete all my training on the east coast provided a quicker training pipeline, giving us continuous training throughout and support from the same instructors the whole way through.
“I am incredibly happy, it’s been a big year and a half to get here.”
The joint graduation of Navy and Air Force pilots from Course 278 ADF Intermediate Pilots Course marked a significant milestone in the progression of paralleled pilot training schools in Victoria and Western Australia.
Enhanced training capability introduced in 2024 now allows the Air Force to train both RAAF and Royal Australian Navy pilots on both the East and West Coasts of Australia. This integrated approach is a key aspect of Air Force delivering on National Defence Strategy objectives to build a more agile, scalable and integrated training system to ensure successful growth of the ADF.
Commander Fleet Air Arm Commodore Matthew Royals returned to RAAF Base East Sale to address the graduates as the Reviewing Officer.
Having spent three years of his career instructing students as the Senior Naval Officer at the School of Air Warfare in Sale, Commodore Royals was proud to return and oversee the historic graduation.
“This is not just another graduation, it is a monumental moment in our Defence Force’s history,” Commodore Royals said.
“For the first time, a Royal Australian Navy pilot has completed their entire Intermediate Flying Training here at 1 Flying Training School (FTS), something that has been traditionally shared by 1FTS and 2FTS at RAAF Base Pearce in WA.
“This significant shift underscores the growing integration between our services and demonstrates our collective commitment to a truly unified Defence Force.”
Since 1913, Australian military aviators have proudly worn the Wings badge, awarded to aircrew who have achieved the required proficiency in flying a military aircraft.
More than 100 years later, earning a pilot’s wings remains a significant accomplishment.
Perhaps mention should have been made of the dozens of Navy pilots who went through 1BFTS, Point Cook, on their way to 1 AFTS at Pearce. We had 6 Navy Midshipmen 0n N0 65 Course in 1967, and all were awarded their Wings on 20 June 1968. They were great types, and represented their Service in a most excellent manner.