A new hub for veterans in northern Adelaide

A new $5m home for Veterans in the north of Adelaide was announced this week in partnership between the Department of Veteran Affairs, Australian government, Legacy and not-for-profit Lives Lived Well, a community organisation that provides support for people impacted by alcohol, drugs or mental-health issues.
It was recently announced by the Veteran Affairs Minister Matt Keogh that a $5 million grant be awarded to Lives Lived Well by the Department of Veteran Affairs to establish a northern Adelaide Veteran Hub.
Minister Keogh said in a media release “I’m proud to announce that Lives Lived Well, in partnership with Legacy South Australia will lead the establishment of the Veterans’ and Families’ Hub in Adelaide’s northern suburbs”.
To be located in Elizabeth, the new hub will provide a range of tailored services close to major public-transport networks, and will seek to accelerate access to health, advocacy, employment, financial, housing and transition support, as well as referral to other veteran service providers.
Veteran-owned registered training organisation (RTO: 45936) Aimpoint RPL has made it their mission to support veterans on their journey towards finding meaningful employment.
Aimpoint does this through programs complimenting veteran-career transition through services such as recognition of prior learning for Defence members, online learning courses, on-the-job training programs and other non-accredited bespoke courses.
Aimpoint also contributes to the community by hosting its own podcast where veterans can share their transition experiences.
Aimpoints CEO and veteran wife Jenna Robinson said Aimpoint would have a major role to play in the success of the northern-Adeleaide hub concept.
“Aimpoint is ready and able to support Lives Lived Well and DVA to deliver outcomes through this initiative.”
