Royal Australian Infantry celebrates 75 years

Descending from an overcast sky above Canberra, members of the Red Berets trailed red smoke behind an unfurled flag of the Royal Australian Regiment.

CAPTIONChief of Army Lieutenant General Simon Stuart on parade for the 75th anniversary of the Royal Australian Regiment at Duntroon, Canberra. Story by Private Nicholas Marquis. Photos by Corporal Dustin Anderson.

Veterans and soldiers watched as they landed on the Royal Military College parade ground, as part of proceedings to commemorate 75 years of the Royal Australian Regiment.

Each battalion’s Colours were marched out individually to the tune of their quick march song, played by the Royal Military College band.

Holding close the connections he made, Brigadier Chris Appleton (retd), former commanding officer of 5th/7th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment said it was a “magnificent parade”.

“It was so wonderful to see all the Colours of the regiment on parade,” Brigadier Appleton said.

“In 25 years, the infantry trainees who were on guard will be at the 100th anniversary, they’ll write the next chapter of this great story.”

CAPTION: Soldiers from the Red Berets parachute display team carry the Australian and Royal Australian Regiment flags onto the Royal Military College-Duntroon parade ground for the 75th anniversary of the Royal Australian Regiment.

Reviewing officer, Chief of Army Lieutenant General Simon Stuart, took the opportunity to award theatre honours for Malaya (Conflict) 1955-1963 and the Malaysia (Confrontation) 1964-1966 to all battalion Colours.

CAPTIONChief of Army Lieutenant General Simon Stuart receives the Malaysia (Confrontation) 1964-1966 banner to add to the Battalion Colours during the 75th anniversary parade of the Royal Australian Regiment.

‘Duty First’, a motto chosen because it was parallel to the fundamental requirement of a soldier, has stuck with Brigadier Appleton, who also served as a company commander with the 1st Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment.

“When I was a 17-year-old cadet my drill sergeant was infantry, and I learnt from him that ‘Duty First’ was not just a cap badge,” he said. “It was a way of life and I unashamedly followed him to the Royal Australian Regiment.”

Brigadier Appleton said while warfighting was always changing, the regiment had always been able to adapt.

“Our regiment has done it for 75 years and it’s time for another generation to carry it on,” he said.

“There are no mates like the mates with whom you served in uniform.”

Regimental Sergeant Major of the School of Infantry, Warrant Officer Class 1 Scott Krum, who has served almost 30 years, said he was now in a position he used to look up to as a junior soldier.

“We were all diggers once, whether it be a non-commissioned officer or an officer as you go through your career – we all aspired to be that one person,” W01 Krum said.

“Being out on parade as a young soldier and seeing the battalion Colours marched on, you get goosebumps.”

Throughout his career with the regiment, Warrant Officer Class 1 Krum said his two highlights were working with the Afghanistan National Army in 2009 and being deployed to evacuate Australians from Afghanistan two years ago.

He always wanted to be an infantry soldier and now, as parade regimental sergeant major, he said having all battalions of the regiment, including the 4th Battalion, represented contributed to making the commemoration a “great spectacle”.

“The regiment will always have a place on the battlefield regardless of technology,” WO1 Krum said.

“This is why the role hasn’t changed – to seek out and close with the enemy – someone has to be on the ground to ensure the effects the country tasks us with are achieved.”

More than 65,000 soldiers have served on active service in the regiment, with 706 making the ultimate sacrifice. Originally formed in 1948 with three battalions, it now consists of seven and holds a proud history for defending Australia.

CAPTIONChief of Army, Lieutenant General Simon Stuart, centre top, stands with the Commanding Officers, Regimental Sergeant Majors and Regimental Colours of the Royal Australian Regiment at Government House, Canberra.





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