New era for information systems training

Following six months of intensive training, the first initial-entry streamed Communications and Information Systems – Information Systems (CIS-I) sailors will join the fleet.

CAPTIONInformation systems specialist Seaman Kyle Bergan, left, and communications specialist Seaman Alex Meiklejohn conduct a fault-finding exercise in the communication centre simulator. Story by Sub-Lieutenant Cinaed Finall. Photos by Leading Seaman James McDougall.

The new structure of streaming on entry ensures the CIS workgroup remains agile and capable of delivering a workforce that meets emerging demands.

The inaugural CIS-I Session 001 started in April, with 14 sailors training to work on the cyber cold front of the fleet’s ICT systems.

The role of a CIS-I is to work within deployed ICT networks in a maritime environment, enabling command with the vital communication networks to fight and win at sea.

The increasing sophistication of IT systems, combined with the complexity of the operating environment, demands a specialised information system specialist who can act quickly and decisively.

The course took place at the Defence Force School of Signals – Maritime Communications and Information Systems Wing located at HMAS Cerberus in Victoria.

Information systems instructors Petty Officers Blake Ridge and Robert Griffiths said it was an exciting time for the CIS community.

“While the training is still in its infancy, the graduation of this first cohort of streamed sailors is an important step in the modernisation of our workforce,” Petty Officer Griffiths said.

The trainees’ instruction was conducted across multiple fields including network administration, information system management and cyber threat detection and response.

Seaman Henry Pears was a member of the inaugural class.

“I hope that my cohort and I can meet the Navy’s expectations. Although we are the first streamed CIS-I out of initial employment training, we are excited to get into the fleet and get to work,” Seaman Pears said.

The inaugural class graduated on November 9, joining a variety of ships and establishments as newly qualified information systems specialists.

CAPTIONCommunication Information System – Information Systems initial-entry course 001 at HMAS Cerberus, Victoria.





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