Award-winning support for reservists

The winners of a Defence Supportive Employer Award have recognised the important work of ADF reservists, saying they added genuine value to their business and that it was an honour to work with them.

CAPTIONSquadron Leader Nathan Hook, left, with Acting Head Joint Support Services Division Air Commodore Grant Pinder, and civilian employer Peter Nugent from AeroPM. Story by Emily Egan. Photo by Hilary Wardhaugh.

The CEO of AeroPM made the comments at the ACT and South-East NSW Employer Support Awards, at the National Arboretum in Canberra on July 6. ADF reservists nominate their civilian employers for the awards to recognise the support they have provided to them to perform their reserve work.

AeroPM was the winner of the Medium Private category, and acknowledged the sacrifice of reservists and that releasing them has been an investment to recalibrate the work they do in their organisation.

“We are honoured to accept this award. It is in recognition of systems we have put in place to support ADF reservists, where we recognise the value that they bring to our workforce,” AeroPM Interim CEO/Head of Capture and Delivery Peter Nugent said.

“Eighty per cent of our organisation are veterans and so being able to enlist the best people out of Defence to come and work for us and then release them back to maintain their qualifications, skills and experience and reinvest them back into the Defence enterprise is really important to us.”

Squadron Leader Nathan Hook was the reservist who nominated AeroPM for its outstanding support of his reservist career.

“It means everything to have a supportive employer,” Squadron Leader Hook said.

“The fact that you do not need to worry when you approach your employer when you have an opportunity to render service, and that they are supportive of your ambitions and desires to contribute to Defence capability, is invaluable.”

Acting Head Joint Support Services Division Air Commodore Grant Pinder hosted the event, with senior ADF officials, and noted the demonstration of outstanding support these employers have provided to their staff who undertake ADF service.

“This evening was a showcase of the employers in our region who are exemplary in their support for reservists,” Air Commodore Pinder said.

“In the last few years, our reserve force has stepped up to respond to some incredibly difficult challenges, and as a nation we have relied on our civilian organisations for support and flexibility.

“I commend all the nominated organisations and congratulate the award-winning organisations. You have all provided significant support of our ADF reservists and their communities in the ACT and south-east NSW, and are key to enabling Defence capability.”

Winners from the regional awards will now be considered for the national awards to be held in Sydney in November.

Winners of the 2023 ACT/South-East NSW Employer Support Awards:
Red Group Assurance – Small Private
AeroPM – Medium Private
Thales Australia Limited – Large Private
The ANU Sport and Recreation Association Incorporated – Not for Profit
Department of Finance – Public Sector

Honourable mentions:
Proviant Pty Ltd – Small Private
Viden Consulting Group – Medium Private
Aurecon Australasia Pty Ltd – Large Private
Downer EDI Engineering Power Pty Ltd – Large Private
Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions NSW – Public Sector
Department of Defence – International Policy Division, Strategy, Policy and Industry Group – Public Sector





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