Armour-piercing ammo taken out for a blast on Black Sabot

1 Armoured Regiment fired KEW-A2 Sabot ammunition for the first time on Australian soil during Exercise Black Sabot 🙂

CAPTION: High speed cameras and radars in use during Ex Black Sabot to measure key performance indicators such as muzzle velocity and projectile trajectory of amour-piercing fin-stabilised discarding sabot KEW-A2 ammunition stock. Photo by Sergeant Nicholas Mayall.

B Squadron, 1 Armoured Regiment conducted the activity at Woomera Training Area on March 21 to test existing stocks of the armour-piercing ammunition.

Officer in charge of the exercise Sergeant Nicholas Mayall said results of the testing confirmed the rounds, which were purchased in 2005, were still viable for use with the M1A1 Abrams, before 1 Armoured Regiment acquired the M1A2.

“By using high-speed cameras and radars, we measured key performance indicators such as muzzle velocity, projectile trajectory and dispersion,” Sergeant Mayall said.

“The data was used to determine whether degradation to the ammunition’s functionality had rendered it unfit for service.”

The 120mm KEW-A2 round is primarily used for anti-tank engagements at ranges out to 4000m.

Its projectile is a tungsten penetrator that accelerates to a muzzle velocity of more than 6200km/h.

“Muzzle velocity should be of a specific rate that offers little margin for variation,” Sergeant Mavall said.

“We were looking to see whether there was any shift in that – and there wasn’t.”

Commanding officer of 1 Armoured Regiment Lieutenant Colonel Mick Henderson was pleased with the outcomes of the training and the confidence in capability it provided.

“This was a really good opportunity for our troops to support the Defence Science and Technology Group, as well as to provide valuable experience and feedback on the performance of the ammunition and the readiness of the regiment,” Lieutenant Colonel Henderson said.

“Proximity to the Woomera range complex provides us with ready access to the only training area that can accommodate unhindered main battle tank live-firing using service natures of main armament ammunition,” he said.

“Furthermore, it served as a good shake-out for the regiment as we prepare to execute individual-vehicle through to combat-team live-fire manoeuvre training at the Cultana Training Area in May.”





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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

One thought on “Armour-piercing ammo taken out for a blast on Black Sabot

  • 09/04/2023 at 10:35 am

    I’m surprised the A.D.F. has anything left in War Stores to test.

    I’d imagined they were now thoroughly emptied following our orders from the U.S. to supply the Ukrainians in it’s failed exercise of Regime change in Moscow [EDITOR’S NOTE: This ‘regime-change’ comment is Michael’s and is not endorsed or agreed with by CONTACT. We did not delete this comment on the grounds that Michael is entitled to his opinion, no matter how misguided in our opinion. That said, we have on may occasions (including other elements of this comment) deleted, words, phrases, ideas and even whole comments by Michael, and counselled him on why we did so].

    Or is it more likely this testing is just a precursor in following those orders?

    Anyway, it’s not as if our Abrams will ever fire a shot in anger, and like the earlier Leopards will rust away in Peace as the Army’s Officially Protected Species (never to be exported or shot at).


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