New vessel on the home stretch

After five months in Western Australia preparing for service, the close-nit crew of Australian Defence Vessel ADV Cape Naturaliste has set sail for its home port of Darwin.

CAPTION: ADV Cape Naturaliste departs Fleet Base West, Western Australia. Story by Lieutenant Commander Will Singer. Photo by Petty Officer by Craig Walton.

The Evolved Cape-class patrol boat (ECCPB) crew members will work with other government agencies as part of Operation Resolute to contribute to the nation’s fisheries protection, immigration, customs and drug law enforcement operations.

Commanding Officer Cape Naturaliste Lieutenant Commander Jeremy Evain said his crew felt proud to serve on the mission.

“Personnel management is the most satisfying part of my role. Helping and coaching my 25 crew members to develop into an effective team is extremely rewarding, despite the personal toll that it takes,” Lieutenant Commander Evain said.

Lieutenant Commander Evain joined the Navy at 17, chalking up more than 16 years of service.

Having joined in search of a dynamic career, he said he enjoyed the additional pressures that came with serving in a minor war vessel.

Because of limited resources, all members are required to work closely together to achieve a common outcome.

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CAPTION: Commanding Officer ADV Cape Naturaliste Lieutenant Commander Jeremy Evain, left, and Able Seaman Alyssa Richardson before the ship departed Fleet Base West. Photo by Able Seaman George Draper.

“The Navy can deploy a variety of capabilities to anywhere in the world. Our vessels are self-sufficient and can remain on station for extended periods without re-supply,” Lieutenant Commander Evain said.

“This permits the Navy to achieve a wide array of activities throughout multiple regions in a single deployment.

“The Navy is important because it is a key enabler of force projection.”

Cape Naturaliste crew member Able Seaman Boatswains Mate Alyssa Richardson said assisting in bringing the boat into service had helped develop and expand her knowledge as a boatswains mate and navigator’s yeoman.

“I have had the opportunity to work with experienced members and learn the specifics of my core role as a boatswains mate on board an ECCPB vessel. It has broadened my skill set coming from the Armidale-class,” Able Seaman Richardson said.

Elements that attracted Able Seaman Richardson to Navy were the healthy work-life balance, equal opportunity for respite, and travelling overseas and getting the opportunity to work with other nations and navies.

Able Seaman Richardson, who joined the Navy in search of adventure, said she was looking forward to a long career.

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CAPTION: ADV Cape Naturaliste during its transit home to Darwin, Northern Territory. Photo: Petty Officer by  Craig Walton.





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