RAAF aircrew train for high G-forces in Malaysia

A select group of Royal Australian Air Force aircrew travelled to Malaysia for specialised training with the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) to prepare for the high-G environment of flying advanced fighter aircraft.

CAPTION: Participants in the RAAF/RMAF Pulls-G centrifuge training course in front of the RMAF centrifuge. Story by Flight Lieutenant Rob Hodgson.

The Pulls-G centrifuge training course is run by the RAAF Institute of Aviation Medicine and uses the RMAF’s modern centrifuge facility in Kuala Lumpur.

The training was designed to enhance understanding of high-G physiology for aircrew operating fast jets.

The centrifuge allows them to practice and improve anti-G straining manoeuvres (AGSM) through exposure to high-G loads in a controlled and safe manner.

After coursework and classroom training, the participants strap into the centrifuge, which, spinning at great speed, generates high G-force.

As the G-forces increase, the physiological changes that occur in the human body could eventually lead to G-induced loss of consciousness, and personnel must counter this by performing the AGSM techniques learnt during the course.

Warrant Officer Brenden Reilly, Squadron Warrant Officer with the Institute of Aviation Medicine, was instrumental in overseeing the course.

“While the students have flown the BAE Hawk to this point, they have not experienced the level of G nor the rate of G onset that they experience in the centrifuge,” Warrant Officer Reilly said.

“To move on to flying our latest fifth-generation fast jets, crews need exposure to the correct AGSM technique to handle sustained high-G flight.”

The role of the Institute of Aviation Medicine is to enhance the effectiveness and safety of ADF air operations by conducting research into aviation medicine, and training ADF aircrew to understand and manage the physiological effects of flight.

Colonel Mazdy Ismail, Head of Physiology at the RMAF Pulls-G facility, commented on the strong relationship developed between the RAAF and the RMAF though the training.

“We are very proud and honoured to have been able to host acceleration centrifuge training for RAAF aircrew since 2008,” Colonel Ismail said.

“The friendship built during the training is an invaluable asset that has opened the pathway for more cooperation between RAAF and RMAF.”

Group Captain Simon Bird, Chief of Staff of the Air Warfare Centre, agreed.

“We strongly value what we have with the RMAF and the mutual benefits that flow from training events such as Pulls-G,” Group Captain Bird said.

“Malaysia has an excellent centrifuge training facility, and these events provide enduring lessons that our newest fast-jet aviators will apply throughout their flying careers.”


CONTACT believes RAAF is deliberately dropping ‘Royal Australian’ from its name – despite Defence assuring us it isn’t true. Campaigning against this name-change-by-stealth, CONTACT has appropriately ‘repaired’ several references in this official story. See here for more details





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