Fight and win in the Pacific

A team of five aviators from No. 1 Security Forces Squadron (1SECFOR) has led the Royal Australian Air Force to victory, being crowned champions of the United States Air Force’s Advanced Combat Skills Assessment (ACSA).

CAPTION: No. 1 Security Forces Squadron personnel being crowned champions of United States Air Force’s Advanced Combat Skills Assessment at Andersen Air Force Base in Guam. Story by Squadron Leader Zac Smit. Photo by United States Aircraft First Class Emily Saxton.

Hosted by the 736th Security Force Squadron at Andersen Air Force Base in Guam, ACSA 2022 was conducted from May 16-20.

1SECFOR Flight Commander Flight Lieutenant Pierce Dilettoso said the combat-oriented competition featured 12 teams who represented United States Air Force security forces squadrons from Japan, Korea, Guam, Hawaii and Alaska.

“The team performed exceedingly well across a variety of challenging serials which were aimed at testing their combat-shooting, hand-to-hand combat, physical fitness, combat agility and endurance abilities,” Flight Lieutenant Dilettoso said.

“Despite the team being required to employ Unites States weapons systems and closely adhere to United States operating regulations, they were able to work together to avoid penalties, fight and win.”

Presented as a last minute opportunity, team member Leading Aircraftman Chris Stewart said the team was selected and deployed at short notice, with their overall performance highlighting the skill, agility and high-level of readiness maintained by 1SECFOR’s high readiness contingency teams.

“It highlights why it is so important to train and hone our skills and to never accept complacency,” Leading Aircraftman Stewart said.

“Outside of the competition serials, we were afforded time to talk and compare our procedures with the United States Air Force (USAF) teams, which provided an insight into the differing methods of handling the same combat situation.”

The team’s performance on ACSA demonstrated the value of 1SECFOR’s recent short notice exercises as well as its interoperability efforts with USAF security forces squadrons in the Indo-Pacific region.

“The lessons we have learned from this and previous experiences have ensured 1SECFOR understands and is prepared to operate at short notice alongside key partners in the Indo-Pacific region,” Flight Lieutenant Dilettoso said.

1SECFOR and 736th Security Forces Squadron will team up again later this year to provide installation security and asset protection in northern Australia on Exercise Pitch Black.





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