A paw-fect day

Among the causes Warrant Officer Class Two Jayne Morley has donated her free time to in the past decade are animal welfare organisations, and the Sydney Dogs and Cats Home (SDCH) is a major beneficiary.
CAPTION: Corporal Jess Dwan and Private Rebecca Rice cuddle rescue kittens Snowy and Dotty at the Sydney Cats and Dogs Home in Strathfield. Story and photo by Captain Annie Richardson.
Since 2012, Warrant Officer Class Two Morley has been a regular volunteer, foster-“pawrent” and eventually a board member for the home.
“SDCH aim to provide shelter, food and veterinary care to thousands of lost, homeless and abandoned animals within Sydney,” she said.
“We care for pets until a time when such animals can either be reunited with their owners, or they find a new, suitable home.”
As the charity pound places no time limit on animals awaiting adoption, it was recently overwhelmed with animals and needed assistance maintaining its large complex.
Warrant Officer Class Two Morley rallied up a small team from Headquarters 17th Sustainment Brigade to provide minor repairs and community service at its Strathfield location.
The home’s general manager, Melissa Penn, welcomed the brigade members as they undertook maintenance activities.
“When an animal comes to SDCH, we strive to give them the best quality care for their length of stay with us,” Melissa Penn said.
“We operate on a shoe string, and it’s only with the help of volunteers that we can achieve that.
“17 Brigade’s assistance with our site maintenance has enabled our staff and volunteers to focus their energy on enriching and training our animals, giving them the best possible opportunity for rehoming.”
CAPTION: Warrant Officer Class Two Jayne Morley and rescue dog Flotsam cuddle at the Sydney Cats and Dogs Home in Strathfield. Photo by Captain Annie Richardson.
While finding forever homes for the animals in need is SDCH’s goal, Warrant Officer Class Two Morley suggested a number of ways that Defence members and the public can help out.
“Adopting an animal can provide many benefits, including improving personal health and wellbeing, positive social interactions and, importantly, the opportunity to provide an animal in need a forever home,” she said.
“We know the Defence lifestyle can sometimes make it hard to commit to pet ownership, so SDCH does offer options to arrange flexible volunteer hours and to temporarily foster animals for fixed periods.”
However, she advised to “foster with caution”.
“My husband and I have been foster fails on more than one occasion,” she warned.
To learn more about the Sydney Dogs and Cats home, or to find out ways you can help, visit: https://sydneydogsandcatshome.org/
