Boxers hit the beach

Two of Army’s Boxer combat reconnaissance vehicles (CRV) were put to the test when they completed their wet and dry environmental rehearsals (WADER) at Cowley Beach training area in Queensland during Exercise Sea Explorer last month.
CAPTION: Members of 2nd/14th Light Horse Regiment prepare to disembark a Boxer from one of HMAS Adelaide’s landing craft near Cowley Beach training area. Story by Corporal Robert Whitmore. Photo by Corporal Cameron Pegg.
Working in an amphibious task group, troops conducted ship-to-shore training serials, launching the 38-tonne armoured vehicles from a landing helicopter deck landing craft and transporting them to shore.
Boxer troop leader Lieutenant Stefano Rankin, from 2nd/14th Light Horse Regiment, said it was good to see the Boxer tested again on amphibious exercises.
“It’s been a great opportunity to introduce this new capability into the amphibious force, and being a part of that journey has been an exciting process,” Lieutenant Rankin said.
“Working with our partners in the Australian Navy will enable us to deploy around Australia, and potentially around the globe, and force project with the Boxer to make the most of its capability.”
The Boxer provides an enhanced protected platform with increased fire power and more mobility than its predecessor, the Australian light armoured vehicle.
The completion of the WADER serials certifies the troops and the Boxer for deployment on the live-fire Exercise Sea Raider later this year.

What test?
To see if medium wheeled tanks without guns can be landed by a century old technology?
Nothing is as easy as it seems Greg, even for past war dogs. If it isn’t tested in specific scenarios, it can’t be considered to be operational.