CONTACT magazine – Issue 74

CONTACT Air Land & Sea magazine issue number 74 was published on 1 June 2022 and is completely free for anyone to read, download and share…
If you prefer to download the .pdf version, you can find that HERE.
BUT PLEASE – FOR BEST RESULTS – save the .pdf to your hard drive, then open it from there before exploring. Be aware, the .pdf is about 50meg.
CONTACT now allows, invites and encourages our fans to submit their own* posts for publication on our web site – the best of which could be reproduced in CONTACT magazine.
*For copyright reasons ‘own posts’ means written by the person submitting. Please don’t submit somebody else’s work without their permission.
Posts can be on any topic – but should be relevant in some way to the CONTACT audience. We’d like to see news, advice, humour, poetry, tall tales or true – relevant to the serving and veteran military audiences.
For now, posts will be vetted before being made public. This could take up to 24 hours, but usually a lot less.
We reserve the right to edit or even delete posts, as we see fit, to conform with our standards, copyright law, slander, defamation etc etc.
We may to may not contact you to discuss our edits.
Use the submission form here to write your story and add up to 2 supporting photos.
You can also send stories or ask questions by emailing or phone 0408 496 664.

Congratulations to the income so of the Army and thank you to the out going WO of the Army