Amid constant gloom and distant frowns
Increasing debt, and heads drooping down
Comes a time when a youngster will ask
“Am I ready for life’s tasks?”
The answer of course is so very clear
Think of the ANZACS who showed no fear
Cos they were Aussies, no different to you
Young, eager, larrikins and ever true blue
You too will have doubts but hardly a frown
Despite dangers, heads high and never looked down
Always a school’s battle cry, “do the best we can”
If all goes wrong in studies, stay cool; revise the plan
No matter the task, doubts, risks or cruel weather
You still go forward; all young Australians together
Even if cursed evil darkens the day
With love of country as your torch, you’ll find the way
Look out for each other; you are all part of the team
Your sword is faith and unity, forever sharp and keen
Seek tomorrow’s laughter and comforting sunlight
Go forward with love, not hate and for what is right
Take your kit bag of knowledge and reasoning with you
Both given free over years by parents and teachers too
Tell all of your respect for our precious way of life
Created with sweat, blood and pain in times of strife
By George Mansford
© April 2022
Address to St Mary’s College –“it’s a lovely day, tomorrow. Just wait and see.”
There is always some form of strife on our planet earth and now storm clouds are gathering.
There is nothing new in such threats be they man- made or mother- nature throwing tantrums.
In fact with each generation exposed to heart breaking, often fearful enduring challenges, we slowly developed a proud national spirit of identity embracing toughness, mateship, sharing and caring, resilience, humour and courage.
All of these are just some of our arrows and spears.
The most powerful weapons in this special armoury are our great love of country, and a precious way of life that will never be up for sale.
There are some examples of what I talk of in regards the Anzac spirit and practised time and time again from Gallipoli to Afghanistan.
On the Kokoda Track in New Guinea during the withdrawal along a rugged narrow jungle track, when casualties were high and stretchers were few, one soldier wounded in both legs refused one.
He insisted there were comrades who needed the litter more than him. Each morning with sandbags wrapped around his legs and elbows, he would begin his journey at first light, on hands and knees, soaking wet and with scant food.
Next morning he would continue his marathon crawl. Such was his devotion, duty and concern for others.
Another country and another time, a young officer is badly wounded, dying and great pain.
His only concern is “how are the boys?”
Then he tells the corporal to take command.
Even in death came the call, duty, duty.
There is so much of character that can be learnt from the ANZAC legend that will help you in your journey of life.
Be it school or work, always plan ahead. The ANZACS did
If the task seems too hard, think of another way. The ANZACS did
If nothing goes right, keep smiling. The ANZACS did.
Never scorn faith or hope. The ANZACS respected such values.
If friends are down in the dumps, cheer them up. The ANZACS did.
Remember, be ever so proud of your nation and its history.
The time will come when it will be your turn to seize the burning torch and pass on to those who follow.
You can tell them of the ANZAC legend and the battle cry.
”I am, you are, we are Australian, and all as one, we’ll make tomorrow a lovely day”
George MANSFORD © April 2022
For the young leaders of tomorrow
FILE PHOTO by Warrant Officer Class Two Gary Ramage.
