Staying calm and focused

Staying calm no matter the situation is just the norm for Flying Officer Ishan Goel, who didn’t realise how special this skill was until he was at Officers’ Training School.

CAPTION: Royal Australian Air Force personnel capability officer Flying Officer Ishan Goel at Russell Offices in Canberra. Flight Lieutenant Jessica Aldred. Photo by Leading Aircraftman Adam Abela.

Growing up in a Hindu family, Flying Officer Goel was always encouraged to seek opportunity in every challenging situation, which is why he remains calm.

He said our cultural experiences and backgrounds are a big part of who we are.

“I was born and raised in a Hindu family in India and I can validate that cultural differences shape your life in a unique way,” Flying Officer Goel said.

“During my training at Officers’ Training School, I realised that I had a very special way of looking at challenges – my course mates were of the view that whatever the situation is, Ishan is always calm.”

As a personnel capability officer and staff officer to the Director-General Strategy and Planning at Air Force Headquarters, that calmness under pressure skill continues to be put to the test. He also worked in human resources roles in the private sector for 13 years, prior to joining Air Force – another skill set that adds to his unique background.

In his current role, Flying Officer Goel is exposed to Air Force activities at a national and international level, where diverse experiences come together to advance air power contribution.

He said he joined Air Force in March 2021 to give back to Australia and was proud to build on Air Force’s diverse workforce.

“Air Force operates on the international stage and having a diverse workforce will enhance the capability of our Air Force – we’ll operate nationally and internationally in a better way,” Flying Officer Goel said.

“There is a concept called karambhumi in Indian culture, which cites that the land where you work and earn a living, you owe to that land.

“After working for six years in Canberra as a recruitment consultant, I felt that the best way to show my gratitude to the nation that has given me and my family a quality life would be through serving the nation in uniform.”





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