Peas, Beans and Bullets

suzannah and I launchng the book sustain Image-cameo-book-1-front-cover-only.JPG

HI Everyone,

by way of introduction, I spent 40 years in Defence, 27 of them in a baggy green suit, the rest of the time with Navy and RAAF. I deployed to 25 Supply Platoon Vung Tau and kept in touch with many members of the supply world since.

In 2019, I wrote a 120 page full colour “Peas, Beans and Bullets”-a few copies still available, if interested.

Recently I was given a CD written by two of our officers, and believed it had the makings of a book about RAASC logistics in Vietnam-something of a written rarety of how we sustained our combat force to bring the fight to the enemy.

Book 2 – “Sustaining the Combat Force” was born, 240 pages full colour including our guys that served with the highly decorated Australian Army Training Team, RAASC plaque laid at the AWM, and a nominal roll of all senior NCO-Officers that served in Corps units and other interesting material.

My very helpful printer Suzanna and I after the second book was done.
My very helpful printer Suzanna and I after the second book was done.

Please consider adding one or both books to your library-you will not be disappointed.

We delivered the much-needed ammunition, water, fuel and food etc that allowed our combat troops to pacify Phuoc Tuy province. Of particular interest to those who served in RAASC roles in Nui Dat, there are over 200 photos, each subunit in the 1st Australian Task Force is represented, as well as the RAASC units in Vung Tau.

Even though intelligence reports indicated the Viet Cong D445 were very active in the province, our men sustained the resupply effort as our combat force expanded its outreach into controlling what was once the enemy’s territory.

Many a combat unit digger was very pleased to see that our men had their back, and the book includes some patrol reports where our logistic personnel deployed to replace infantry units, and other personal stories reflect stories not previously told of life as an RAASC soldier on active service in a war zone. We had 300 guys posted to supply units, but over 2000 posted to Corps units alone.

What they have said so far:

“A lot of people will be a little more proud today due to your work. Great to see some RAASC photos and stories in print-that it has taken nearly fifty years is even more credit to you.. a proud moment! Must have been a huge effort putting all that together. Having a chuckle at some great memories, well done and something I will treasure”.

I invite you to order a copy by writing to me at or calling on 0408947935.

Russ Morison
Canberra ACT





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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

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