Minister’s reaction to veteran-suicide report 2021

The Australian Government has received a report by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) into the rate of suicide among serving and former-serving members of the Australian Defence Force.

Minister for Veterans’ Affairs and Defence Personnel Andrew Gee said the report highlighted the long-term nature of the issue of veteran suicide and re-affirmed the need for Australia to give its veterans and their families the best support possible.

“My priority is putting veterans and their families first, and making sure they are getting the services they need, when and where they need it,” Mr Gee said.

“While there has been important national progress in addressing the issue of veteran suicide such as free mental health treatment for life, there is clearly much more to be done and we can’t wait for the conclusion of the Royal Commission to get cracking on it.”


Overhauling the claims process

“I have directed the Department of Veterans’ Affairs to make the speeding up of claims processing as well as reducing the backlog a matter of utmost urgency so that we can make sure our veterans receive the necessary financial support and wrap-around services.

“To this end I have also directed that the Department overhaul the veteran claims processing system and accelerate the appointment of independent consultants to deliver a plan, and yield results within three months of their work being provided to the Australian Government.

“This work will include three-monthly milestones, and deliverables that are veteran centric and draw upon international best practice for implementation.

“It will include an examination and assessment of the claim forms and processes used to brief and engage external medical advisers and specialists.

“This will expedite the claims process and identify inhibitors so our veterans and their families can receive timely payments.

“It will also make sure that the $98 million allocated to addressing the claims backlog in the May budget is used as effectively as possible.”


Joint Transition Authority

“The transition from military to civilian life is one of the keys to addressing this issue which means the work of the Joint Transition Authority (JTA) is of critical importance and I am keen to see it fast-tracked.

“I’ve directed the Department of Defence to provide me with detailed options and a proposed timeline to speed-up the JTA Implementation Plan to ensure that we provide better support to our ADF members and their families as they transition from military to civilian life.”


Harmonising legislation

“Veterans’ legislation has long been cumbersome and confusing for veterans to understand.

“I am focused on the issue of structural and legislative reform and have also instructed the Department of Veterans’ Affairs to create a roadmap to harmonise the three Acts dealing with veterans’ compensation and rehabilitation.

“This report once again highlights the unacceptably high rate of suicide in the Defence and veteran communities, and the importance of the work of the Royal Commission.

“Suicide doesn’t just affect the individual, it is deeply traumatic for loved ones, families and whole communities. Our nation needs to do everything it can to prevent it.”


The AIHW report is available in full here


If you, or someone you know, need support, you can contact:

    • Lifeline Australia – 13 11 14
    • Suicide Call Back Service – 1300 659 467
    • Open Arms (current and ex-serving ADF personnel and their families are able to seek this free and confidential support) – 1800 011 046
    • ADF Mental Health All-hours Support Line (for current serving ADF personnel and their families) – 1800 628 036.
    • Safe Zone Support (for current and ex-serving ADF personnel and their families) – 1800 142 072. When you call Safe Zone Support, you do not need to identify yourself if you do not want to.







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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

One thought on “Minister’s reaction to veteran-suicide report 2021

  • 12/10/2021 at 1:57 pm

    Addressing the issue of transition NOW is not going to address the stuff up from the past where soldiers transferred from Regular Army straight to Army Reserve and then to civilian with NO transition intervention at all and DVA would not acknowledge lack of transition advice (personal experience)


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