$111million sustainment contract for missiles we haven’t got yet
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The government has unveiled a $111 million sustainment contract with Raytheon Australia to support the jointly developed Raytheon-Kongsberg National Advanced Surface to Air Missile System (NASAMS).
FILE IMAGE: An artist’s impression of a 16th Air Land Regiment NASAMS emplacement. Raytheon concept image.
Minister for Defence Peter Dutton said this contract would support the Australian Defence Force’s new short-range ground-based air-defence capability, part of the $2.5billion LAND 19 Phase 7B program, scheduled to enter service in 2023.
“This announcement builds on the official opening of Raytheon Australia’s new Centre for Joint Integration in Mawson Lakes, South Australia,” Minister Dutton said.
“The Centre for Joint Integration will contribute to the development of some of Australia’s most important defence capabilities.
“It will serve as Raytheon’s main site for the manufacture, assembly and systems integration in Australia and will play a pivotal role in supporting and sustaining the new short-range ground-based air-defence capability.
“The Centre for Joint Integration will also be the primary support facility for the new air defence capability over its 20-year life.”
The $111 million support contract will provide the initial five years of sustainment, with an option to extend to the full 20 years.
Support activities for the new air defence capability will begin at the centre in 2022, in preparation for the NASAM’s introduction into service with Army in 2023.
Raytheon expects to provide ongoing employment for at least 35 staff in support of the Short Range Ground Based Air Defence capability.

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