Defence COVID numbers so high the maths is too hard (for them)

Defence added two more COVID-19 cases yesterday – and, for the second report in a row, CONTACT is amused by their maths.

On Monday, we reported that Defence added six to the number of cases recorded ‘overseas’ but only five to the grand total, meaning the maths in their accompanying table was out by one.

Well, yesterday, Defence added two more cases ‘overseas’ and two to the total – thus maintaining the incorrect tally.

Do the maths on the sub-totals  in the picture to prove that you’re better at simple addition than the Department of Defence 😉

UPDATE Wednesday 10 February: This afternoon, Defence reduced the number of confirmed cases ‘overseas’ to 100, thus ‘correcting’ the math – but casting further doubt on whether Monday’s or Tuesday’s ‘confirmed’ cases ‘overseas’ were actually ‘confirmed’ or not when reported.





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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

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