Suicide Commissioner ends first round of consults

The interim National Commissioner for Defence and Veteran Suicide Prevention Bernadette Boss has begun to hear from key stakeholders about key issues impacting serving and ex-serving Australian Defence Force members, through her first round of roundtable discussions.

The initial round tables were held in Canberra, Brisbane, Perth, Melbourne and Sydney with community organisations that represent serving and ex-serving Australian Defence Force members.

Commissioner Boss said participants had been very engaged in the discussions.

“I have heard a lot of compelling stories and important insights about people’s experiences, including what might be pushing our serving and ex-serving Australian Defence Force members to take their own lives,” Dr Boss said.

“These are important issues that everyone should be able to hear.”

A summary of the initial round table discussions is available here.

A a list of the organisations the commissioner has engaged with to date is available here.

The next round table discussions will be held in January 2021, starting in Townsville, Brisbane, Adelaide and Hobart.

“I look forward to having more discussions with different groups in the New Year,” Dr Boss said.

“Every participant offers important perspectives about what needs to happen to prevent these deaths occurring in the future.”

Contact the Office of the National Commissioner if you would like more information and to register interest in participating in the upcoming discussions.

If you, or someone you know needs support, you can contact:

    • Lifeline Australia on 13 11 14
    • Beyond Blue Beyond Blue on 1300 224 636
    • Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467
    • Open Arms (current and ex-serving Australian Defence Force personnel and their families are able to seek this free and confidential support) on 1800 011 046
    • ADF Mental Health All-hours Support Line (for current serving Australian Defence Force personnel and their families) on 1800 628 036.









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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

4 thoughts on “Suicide Commissioner ends first round of consults

  • 27/12/2020 at 2:12 pm

    You made your decision to leave the ADF where your skills, experiences, and responsibilities are recognized and valued – then if you can find a job – you find the job can be done by a trained monkey – with no real skills, no experience, it has virtually no responsibilities, and whatever work you do is certainly not really valued. A “great” future is being offered to you in return for your years of service to the country.
    If you talk to anybody about your unsuitability for the work, or lack of fulfillment in your new job – they immediately think there is something wrong with you – and they move you on to counselling services – and from there you are gradually removed from the workforce and made to live on Centrelink Disability benefits, and the down hill slide to complete depression and exclusion from society starts. Do not trust Australian government and society, it does not understand, nor even wants to understand your past work and experiences in the ADF, and they are certainly not really interested in your future.
    Need any further inspiration to serve on……..

  • 27/12/2020 at 11:05 am

    Why is the Commissioner foot Veteran Suicides sitting alone. Should this not be a panel of three others who understand through experience the veterans life.

    • 27/12/2020 at 11:28 am

      I would have thought that Peter Cosgrove would be a good addition.


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