ADF COVID-19 cases now 82

Defence has added it 82nd confirmed case of COVID-19 infection – this time ‘overseas’ (with no actual detail given, as usual).
Another case was added to the list of ‘recovered’ yesterday, bringing that total to 76.
If you’re curious about where and when each and every Defence COVID-19 case was added try our chronological listing, here.
Meanwhile, Defence says it has ‘approximately’ (a very specific) 3459 personnel deployed as part of Operation COVID-19 Assist.
However, the number of Defence personnel on task in Victoria has fallen by 68 on yesterday’s figures.
On task in Victoria today
- 545 ADF personnel are providing support to the Department of Health and Human Services contact tracing and community engagement efforts.
- 240 personnel are involved in medical testing initiatives.
- 152 personnel are supporting Victoria Police checkpoints.
- 87 personnel are assisting in other logistics roles, including the Police Assistance Line call centre in Ballarat.
- 134 personnel are providing support to the Victorian Aged Care Response Centre.
- = total of 1158
Other states and territories….
Discrepancy in the maths below is explained as “personnel in Joint Task Group headquarters, supporting roles, and those preparing for tasks are included in overall state-based figures but are not captured in the list of tasks“.
New South Wales – 690 personnel
- 478 personnel are supporting New South Wales police with border control checkpoints on the New South Wales-Victoria border.
- 167 personnel are supporting state police quarantine, reception and repatriation efforts at Sydney airport and hotels.
Queensland – 476 personnel
- 206 ADF personnel are supporting quarantine compliance management efforts, including at airports and hotels.
- 157 personnel are supporting state police with Queensland border controls.
South Australia – 131 personnel
- 101 ADF personnel are supporting South Australia Police border control checkpoints.
- 7 personnel are providing planning and operations support to SA Health.
Northern Territory – 128 personnel
- 84 ADF personnel are providing support to Northern Territory Police at vehicle checkpoints.
Western Australia – 109 personnel
- 73 ADF personnel are involved in quarantine assistance at hotels and at the Perth Airport.
- 7 personnel are providing planning and logistics support.
Australian Capital Territory – 8 personnel
