Bustin’ holes in the side of my house

Not clickbait – I seriously did bust a huge hole in the side of my two-storey brick-veneer house (on purpose) – and the house is still standing.

I busted the main hole through the brick wall of my garage to access the crawl space under the house, to store our canoe in.

The main breakthrough happened a few years ago and I don’t have footage.

Since then, we’ve added a stand-up-paddleboard to our collection, which wouldn’t fit in the canoe hole easily, and was taking up too much space in my shed, even hanging vertical from the rafters.

So, in this video, I instal a new floor, shelving and a door frame to organise the space better and get the watercraft out of my wood shed.



This video is part of my new personal vlog series from the editor’s wood shed called Make-n-Do – making do with limited, cheap or even free tools and materials, and because I just like making and doing stuff in my shed – especially during COVID-19 lockdown, which, for me, was a very enjoyable period of “compulsory hobby with no guilt” ?

This series won’t be to everyone’s taste, but I’m doing it anyway, because I want to make-n-do it for me – AND, because it could maybe just possibly help steer CONTACT into something bigger and better???

But, I can’t talk about that just yet ?










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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

4 thoughts on “Bustin’ holes in the side of my house

  • 17/06/2020 at 9:21 pm

    Hi Brian, good use of valuable space. Do you think this underfloor space may become damp from rain run-off? If it becomes wet you could strip out the chipboard and replace it with a water-proof ply sheet.

    • 12/06/2020 at 7:54 pm

      Thanks Sue.


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