I made a rock-solid bench for less than $40

Using scraps and  scrounges, I made myself a rock-solid wood-working bench that will serve me well for a long time to come.

Rolling on casters, with a thick, thick (bit like me) top, this thing is bulletproof (probably literally).

This is part of my new personal vlog series from the editor’s wood shed called Make-n-Do – making do with limited, cheap or free tools and materials, and because I just like making and doing stuff in my shed (especially during COVID-19 lockdown).

Actually, for me, COVID-19 lockdown has been “compulsory hobby with no guilt” 😉



This video is part of my new personal vlog series from the editor’s wood shed called Make-n-Do – making do with limited, cheap or even free tools and materials, and because I just like making and doing stuff in my shed – especially during COVID-19 lockdown, which, for me, was a very enjoyable period of “compulsory hobby with no guilt” ?

This series won’t be to everyone’s taste, but I’m doing it anyway, because I want to make-n-do it for me – AND, because it could maybe just possibly help steer CONTACT into something bigger and better???

But, I can’t talk about that just yet ?









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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

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