COVID-19 in ADF – total 40 – recovered 34

According to CONTACT’s calculations, all cases of COVID-19 in ADF members initially detected in Australia have all recovered!

Here’s our logic…

Defence published a second update yesterday, which CONTACT missed until tonight (because they didn’t change the photo) – that gave no details except a change to numbers – 40 total cases and 34 recovered.

Defence’s ‘heatmap’ now shows 7 cases overseas – though we do know for sure that at least five of those have returned to Australia – four in Darwin and one in Brisbane – and CONTACT’s map reflects that information.

With the ADF’s overseas count increasing by one last night, we can therefore deduce that last night’s increase was one further case overseas – and (totally guessing) that it was probably from the Middle East area of operations, same as the five added yesterday morning.

CONTACT’s map yesterday was missing one case, so today we’re showing ‘2 overseas’ to reflect the new case and correct our shortfall.

We have no information to help us place those two overseas cases in Australia.

Defence stopped updating its numbers and publishing its ‘heatmap’ for several days, but brought them back (in a different format) on Wednesday this week.

And, it was only on Wednesday this week when they first started listing ‘recovered’ numbers – opening the count with 32.

Pleasingly, that went up to 34, as of 6.15pm’s update yesterday.

So here’s CONTACT logic punchline – if six new overseas cases were added yesterday to bring the total to 40, and 34 have recovered, that must surely mean…



EDITOR’S NOTE: Most of the above is CONTACT’s best guessing, and therefore could be flawed. But, we have been watching this closely, absorbing what very little information is released and applying ignorant logic in accumulation.
Very sad that we have have to do it this way, but Defence just isn’t providing.









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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

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