Man charged over imitation firearm possession
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A 33-year old Sydney man will appear in court today after being found in possession of 34 imitation firearms earlier this month.
CAPTION: Imitation firearms confiscated – man charged. ABF photo.
On Tuesday 11 February 2020, investigators from the Australian Border Force and detectives from NSW Police attended a business in Roseville to issue an infringement in relation to the prohibited importation of 71 imitation firearms, namely gel blasters.
While attending the premises, officers found the man was in possession of 34 gel blasters. Most of the items replicated military style assault rifles and machine guns.
Police seized the imitation firearms, as well as a range of other parts and gel pellets.
The man was arrested by officers from North Shore Police Area Command’s Proactive Crime Team and taken to Chatswood Police Station, where he was charged with possessing unauthorised firearms.
He is due to appear before Hornsby Local Court today (Wednesday 26 February 2020).
ABF Regional Investigations NSW Superintendent Garry Low said the Australian Border Force is committed to stopping imitation firearms from entering the country.
“Some of these imitation firearms are modelled on real weapons, making them very difficult to distinguish from a genuine gun,” Superintendent Low said.
“That is why the ABF continues to work with its law enforcement partners to seize and investigate those attempting to import imitation firearms into Australia.”
Some gel ball blasters are controlled as imitation firearms under the Customs (Prohibited Imports) Regulations 1956 and importers must obtain a certification from their state or territory police before bringing them into Australia.
It is illegal to import these items without a permit and anyone attempting to do so can face fines of up to $525,000 and/or up to 10 years imprisonment.

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I was just notified that my $500+ order, 2 replacement video game arcade light guns exactly the same as the ones on my cabinet and in businesses Australia wide, (Time Crisis, Point blank, Area 51, Americas Army, Police Trainer, Lethal enforcers and many more) one blue controller and one red Controller with their wire harnesses attached have been detained by Australian Border Force / Customs as “imitation firearms” until i can obtain a permit for their release. I have 30 days to respond by sending a permit or telling them i am in the process of obtaining a permit to or my goods will be destroyed. The agency who deals with “imitation firearms”, real firearms and paintball gun permits gel guns happen to be another branch of home affairs,, try googling home affairs office and you will see all their locations need a pre arranged appointment to gain entry and they are too busy to answer phone calls, I eventually got through to an answering machine stating they are busy and to email them. I sent them everything from my tracking number commercial invoice, product pictures and details, home phone mobile phone and other information explaining how They are replacement parts for my faulty ones and they are common video game light guns, toys including links to current second hand listings and new parts from arcade vendors in Australia and details on cabinets that use them stating they are regularly traded used but not available new in Australia as they are old display technology not illegal in Australia. My response from them after explaining all of this was vage and states “Your local firearms registry will be able to provide you with information about how to make an application to obtain post-import permission for your detained articles via the police certification test (B709) I hope we have been helpful”. I search B709 on google and it appears to be an application form for an imitation firearm license that involves monthly police checks to make sure my imitation firearms (arcade controls) are secure in a gun safe. It appears to me all the public servants ive been dealing with every step of the way are thoughtless Human robots or they simply couldn’t care less as they get paid either way. I should be able to walk into a home affairs office wait in line for a public servant show them details and receive paperwork stating they are not imitation firearms that these items are not illegal in Australia and to process my mail accordingly. So I have an expensive arcade machine sitting here needing parts that are legal but Arbitrarily labelled as Imitation firearms. Anyone have any ideas about who can help me without applying for a gun license or going to court? Ombudsman? Consumer Affairs specific MPs or something?
Interesting Comments. However as a serving NSW Police Officer if someone points or carries one of these items pictured at me it’s going to be a bad day for both of us. No-one needs toys like these on our streets.
How lucky are we, the Nanny State demonstrably keeping us safe from scary toys that imitate real firearms. This is freedom.
They are TOY guns. Plain & simple. Yes they should have orange or yellow muzzles. But fairdinkum!
I still believe that with all the real crimes like the massive use of ICE which is plain to see is cheaper than a weed-grown anywhere that has more pro than a con. Plus it’s taking over towns and raised violent crime, Then we come to another of our Countries Knee Jerk reaction polices, Not only before any buybacks and such our country had such I tiny amount of firearm injury mostly from either stupid handling rifles and such over a fence or leaving it chambered and then cleaning. Then we have a couple of unusual shootings which slipped into the dark once main story and some politician removes firearms from everywhere in Australia, making it more dangerous just for the normal farmer to put down a sick animal, rather than quickly down and controlled a rifle now has to be held while the animal is held and calmed. which is terribly dangerous long firearm at the range of 30cm. Then carry a pocket knife or leatherman TOOL not hidden but on a belt, ridiculous as there been some money made from people driving to grab milk and not taken off there belt and kit that they use 20 times a day. Cars cause 20 times the deaths in Australia even. before these firearm rules being so forced upon. Yes, training which many like myself on veteran pensions who loved their roles as soldiers never wanting to leave. would fantastic in the training 2-3 times a year plus private. As the criminals own better and larger choice than our police force. In my younger days buying a rifle from K mart was normal a BB gun from toy section fine, weekend with a tin of $1.50 slugs for slug gun spend each day outside setting up everything from paint tin lids to paddle pop sticks, yet having it slung as you walked to your friends house to do this in a back yard as not a chance it would go through a fence lucky to get bad bruise with a fair winter jacket. The wording from most video games ASSAULT weapon. Has the people miss lead especially the ones who believe our news is not fed to us EG the Panel and such. Those young people shooting up marijuana and smoking that opium lol. But it is a fact why are cars not assault vehicles they have 4 wheels and attachments. As then it was so well organized to have airsoft which is a fantastic thing where people are outside and often a weekend or 5-day games are run to buy landowners and such which overseas helps pay their bills. they wear safety gear there is no harm done to animals or people once again. NO says Australia, ahh because they look real to untrained eyes yet if they fired a 3mm plastic ball its pretty simple to hear pop no bang no one hurt. Why would with real things out there mainly due to you take from the honest people and where does it grow in the dishonest. yet without our Australian history and how we could put a million men under into the military literally overnight. that required minimum training. As the average Australian could shoot knew how to carry service and safety with rifles and pistols plus could ride horses while doing such things. now we could hardly fill a bus once the gamers who think they can are removed. like the marijuana thing people with pain or so many other things, can buy 5 liters of liquor and get violently drunk or take their life due to giving in to the number of heavy pharmacy drugs. Are charged and made news of by media yet drive a few hrs south to where our politicians’ kids go to school and our parliament sit and you can grow 3-4 plants personal use and have so many grams on the person as long as not divided to sell. I for one and my medical DR’s and other, have even tried to ask but I’m not palliative care and about to die. so take some more pain meds and antidepressants with these sleepers and few more. yet sleepers shocking things almost kill me the reduction in pain meds rather than having a 6 pack or 3 wines a night some rather have a smoke bit off a laugh at the tv and pretty much get some sleep and if lucky not remember dreams. Now we see police time money over time, but great media over a plastic toy rifle, anything can have assault attached to it even your knife and folk at a restaurant!! we are turning into Sheep faster and faster just nodding at altered news on big pot drug ring caught after 6 months surveillance. yet car park you see people smoking there glass pipes which is the cheaper ICE poison. how many raids or large busts we hear virtually none. Cost for the weed plant that can grow anywhere big tax dollars to give media a good night story. Now more on plastic toys that my old pop gun from easter show had metal barrels, which due to the word gun pop GUN its illegal, slingshot illegal community-building firecracker nights or street bbq,s nope searched or just charged. Are we all looked at as incompetent idiots, As we watch Australia sold off piece buy a piece to China that know how the slow game works and taken over almost every small island deep water port for a lease of up to 100 yrs then to finish off we lose our country and flag tradition honor of those who fought and died for our country? which is a strategic move to block and operate the south Atlantic right to south pole where they can also jump into the dark area of communications that need and use us for relay right to the space Program. But its easier to jump on plastic similar-looking but still plastic toys. Using resources that are needed in much larger and dangerous areas, that require labs and places to make substances or the fact that its also on some of the slowest minded criminals that. grab a under 1k semi-auto pistol or a bat break in give family beating steal as I’ve heard from the mouths. what they going to do no one has firearms or defense rights so get your Centrelink payment and use what you score to trade or sell for more ICE as many are now in an age of pot makes you calm and maybe tired or laugh. but ice and such gets you going gives you false sense confidence and its way cheaper and easier to find. disgusting then we see a stakeout and stern wording on a plastic try to look alike toys that yrs back we all played armies or cowboys and Indians which is probably PC incorrect just another forced upon us with there freedom of speech or was it our freedom of speech. Give them some hard-line backup and you have communism you cant say and or do this why?? because we are college kids with no life exp[eriace but have social media to spread and gain the money needed to push things through often by non-supporters of any PC but know an opening hole when shown. I am sorry to have written a long comment. But I am so sick of watching us being treated like minions and giving the old where Australia they don’t do stuff like that we are nothing to the big countries. wrong again, another misled or described lake of communication and largely weak backboned golden handshake waiting for politicians and a so-called leader not supporting there own but happy to give and support outside and allow new rules and exceptions. I love my Country and signed and took an oath to give my life to it. I’m now a broken man that doesn’t ever seem to be able to fit the new civilian world. Yet seeing things like above are wasted media pumping hype. next, it will be Aerosol cans so hairspray paint underarm, etc, banned due to can make fire weapon or explosive as they look too much like white phosphorus and smoke grenades. We only need one person to do it in Australia lol. One day maybe our government might allow some trust back to the people who gave them their bloody jobs
Thankfully, this person was stopped before he….did something.
I’m glad we are protected like this because…reasons!
That should get interesting, since the NSW court has just defined them as toys in the case against Armoured Heaven recently.
My (limited) understanding is that if they are toys and they clearly look like and can be identified as toys (e.g. Nerf Gun colours, or prominent orange knobs and muzzle etc), they they are legal. But, if they are ‘replicas’ of real guns with little or nothing to mark them as toys, then they’re not. The guns in the picture look pretty ‘real’ IMHO.
Yes. It’s important to know they are TOYS! Border Force and NSWPOL have their panties in a bunch over some toys.