Veteran Lapel Pin ‘sold’ on eBay

Some funny bugger put his new veteran lapel pin on eBay as soon as he got it, aiming to raise a few dollars for his favourite charity – and for the opportunity to be a funny bugger, with what he described as cathartic satire.
The anonymous seller’s rant went viral a long time before the auction closed, giving glee and opportunity to add (positively and negatively) to thousands.
In the end, an original opening bid of $5625 on eBay was not topped, so we don’t actually know if it sold or not.
But the entertainment was worth every penny 😉
The seller promised all proceeds from the sale of the lapel pin would be donated to a local Avenue of Honour restoration project he is involved with, featuring 1200 oak trees commemorating every local veteran from the Boer War to Afghanistan.
The funny-bugger’s cathartic satire reads…
Too modest to wear your ADM on Anzac Day, but still want to muscle an octogenarian Vietnam Vet out of the way at two-up ring as a warrior and booze soaked equal?
Are you the type of insecure jube who cuts around town expecting all and sundry to bow before you in deference to your service while enquiring about your 2% discount at Harvey Norman?
Bugger it, even if you’re a semi-regular on ANZMI, I’ll sell this to you! ( lets be honest, it’ll make Walt Hunters job easier, because no bonafide veteran I know would wear this crap)
Give your amazing tales of daring-do in foreign lands and Kapooka the gravitas it deserves with this highly collectable piece of taxpayer funded tokenism.
Frankly, I can’t think of one single social context that I’d be seen dead wearing this bloody thing. Disagree? Then riddle me this:
Anzac Day? Nope, I’ve got enough gongs to self identify as a veteran.
At Work? The amount of times I’ve worn my ‘RAS’ badge… zero
Weddings/Funerals and Country race meetings? Not a bloody chance!
So just like the cheating ex that half the Battalion went through while on course, or the delightfully cute Cavoodle puppy that never quite got the gist of house training, I’m faced with two options: Hide my embarrassment and bury it somewhere, never to be spoken of again. OR handball onto some other poor git who might not notice its fundamental flaws… Such as Navy ‘veterans’ of Afghanistan wearing one. (sorry…its all jokes)
And since the very thought of this thing lurking in my drawer cheapens my mismatched footy socks, I choose Option B
By purchasing this item you too can experience the anticipation of rushing down to the post office followed by an all-consuming disappointment that your entire life’s non-civilian accomplishments are defined by a cheap arse lapel pin and some confected oath generated on a mass produced piece of fancy paper and accompanying letter signed off on by someone who’s only redeeming feature is not being Bill Shorten.
Unfortunately, this item cannot assuage the crushing realisation the DVA claim you submitted keeps getting rejected, your final post-medical discharge, top tier DHOAS eligibility expires in a couple of months or the existential rage of never being able to kick a football with your son without your knees collapsing underneath you. (courtesy of the ‘good knee’ that DVA rejected your claim for, but was bad enough to get kicked out of the army… but I digress)
Stuff it, while I’m pontificating, I’m going to put it out there: Websters Dictionary defines WAFTAM as?
Did someone say “Veterans Covenant”??? (points with open right hand at computer screen, says “well done…that man” while resisting the temptation to look at still pointed open hand whimsically and make ‘time to get it zeroed’ joke)
I’d rather the Department of Veterans Affairs (and the apparently our now grateful Australian public) spend the money they wasted on something that might actually benefit veterans, such as…. A more effective and compassionate Department of Veterans Affairs that actually cares more for veterans than their own convoluted processes and procedures.
But enough of my wacky ideas and dank emotional baggage! Allow me to impress upon you that my price is fair and the item on offer is the buy of the century! (more than fair, I was going to ask for $25,000 but Ebay wouldn’t cop that)
Similar items cost several thousands of dollars more in medical bills, specialist psychology appointments (at own cost because DVA won’t pony up the price for someone qualified or competent) or feet that look like a pox victims scrotum. Try and get divorced for under $10,000? Pfft, my alcohol bill last year was possibly three times the asking price!
At this price you get all the visible benefits of being a veteran without the incurred costs!
Price is for the pin and box only….I’m keeping the BS certificate just to spite myself.

I served in the Australian Army for 21 years. I done a tour of duty in Vietnam in 1968. I am proud and happy to have been able to serve my country. I was not called a “Veteran” until I returned home from my tour in Vietnam. I am a Gold card TPI recipient and this supposedly will get you into some movie theatres for free (not all), and supposedly gets you Tax free car parts from some, not all.
Now some weekend warrior gets to be called a Veteran after serving continuously for 24 hours? Now, with this covenant, you do not need to see active service to be called a Veteran, all you need to do now is help clean up someones back yard after a flood and you are a “Veteran”. What a load of shit.
What the hell is happening in this world. When I returned from Vietnam I was not even allowed to enter into the Liverpool RSL in uniform wearing my ribbons because I was under age.
The word “Veteran” used to stand for something and I was proud to be called a “Veteran” (and I still am)
I was brought up by a WW2 father he was stringent towards the status Veteran we all know the Vietnam Vets were not recognised with the RSL,s to my knowledge as Returned personnel from Active Service until a later date when I was discharged 1983 the RSL would not accept me as I had no recognised Active Service or any medals stipulated on my discharge paper then the RSL changed the criteria for membership 6mths tenure Active Service not required subsequently being entitled to the Returned badge my Father did not agree with this policy emphasis I served on the 2nd emergency Malaysia 1980 which now I have the ASM but should be the AASM Goverment denial for AASM subsequently I am a Veteran and consider myself a Returned Solidier as for cleaning up after a bush fire or have not been deployed on overseas service I don’t classify them as Veterans when I was in the CMF 1974 prior the RAR the word Veteran was sacred and respected as you said now has become a sham but reiterating I consider myself a Veteran
“f… off, Kathy” take your high level public servant waffle and stuff it. Nobody cares about the brainless initiatives your kind concocts without even a shred of experiential knowledge yet viciously defends because that’s what is expected at your APS level…as many have already said, how about DVA actually think beyond their own myopic processes and policies, and reconsider why it is they want to be so complicated an entity to deal with in respect of claims that are submitted.
I’d love to see the corporate plonk you’d deliver in reply, it’d amount to no answer but for a few vagaries and a lot of buzzwords. What are you? Like an EL1, EL2? What’s your background exactly…did you ever serve, have you ever dealt with the DVA in a capacity other than as an employee? You’ve come here trying to tell (mostly) experienced members that they’re not entitled to their views and should swallow your corporate drivel, hubris at its best.
This is yet another garish move towards Americanism that the Australian public seems to consume and demand with each passing generation. Lol, thank you for your service…please, just f off already. The good thing about older generation Aussies is that they just got on with things, they didn’t need sepia filters and self-indulgent accoutrements in order to make themselves stand out in the world.
Veterans do not need ceremonies and “community engagement”, they simply need their claims to be competently handled and with as little vexation as possible. I know that’s a big ask for APS agencies, but at least if you could do that, then maybe you can plan a little ceremony for that. Then, a bunch of people who’ve never seen a day’s service can have their little 9-5 feel good day and get in their insipid Camrys and go home.
I also don’t give any regard to the individual who said that this man’s derision towards this pin is disrespectful to those who have gone before him…I don’t need a medal or pin to respect the sacrifice of any of these people, it’s all internal. Read their stories, listen to their narratives, visit the memorial in your city, attend an ANZAC day march, also Remembrance Day, go to the members area of an RSL, visit battlefields overseas… you have a tonne of existing options to show your so-called respect.
I have been dealing with DVA and governments for years on behalf of myself then others. They will spend big on bullshit trinkets but nothing on real veteran issues
Receiving it in the mail as most Vietnam veterans will remember receiving the little whit boxes that contained medal and separate ribbon and we had to assemble the two medals ourselves so this trinket in the mail is nothing new. Over the years I have received a chest full of medals in lovely cases and printed material. then we had the issue over the ICB which resulted in striking and issuing the ACB years after the war was put to bed. I have not applied for this trinket but no doubt will arrive in the mail one day.
Why do we need getting these trinkets we are not children and its not Christmas is this the way DVA and government really see veterans. In the past Australia has not wasted money on all ADF members by simply acknowledging they have served or is this some knee jerk action to acknowledge that they don’t know how to care for the real veteran and honor the bullshit they sprook before committing them to a conflict. Ten cents and a politicians promise will buy a five cent b us ticket
His pin……let him do as he wishes with it.
Why do we need another trinket ? Veterans can join the RSL, and wear the RSL badge. Good enough for My Grandfather, and Father, I shudder to think what they would make of this, if they were alive. I think this fellow is crying out for help. I hope he gets it.
This person needs to think a bit deeper in so much as many who received the badge would have been the next to go into combat. There could well have been a situation where he was in trouble and his bitter arse was saved by a badge recipient.
Ken Foote
Fyi, and an update
The DVA Claim is still getting processed after getting knocked back… twice.
The kid is now ten and doesn’t like football
I never owned (or buried) a spoodle ( that was poetic licence)
A mob called ‘The Cameleers’ invited me to speak at a meeting ( sorry bloke, not my thing)
One young digger laughed so much he decided not to top himself,
Some bloke I never met in my life was on Facebook saying he knew me from Townsville and I was “a funny bugger” (despite having no mutual friends and that’s I only served in Brisbane)
And…. the thing didn’t sell and I just found it tucked away in my sock drawer.
And you know what, I don’t regret a single thing. Zero. For memory about 230 messages on eBay throughout the course of the auction. Overwhelming support from blokes who got the point.
A small percentage of those were “you’re a arsehole, get fucked” types. Guess what? I spent 20odd years playing army and was shit at drill the whole time. I’ve had my arse chewed out by more warrant officers than I care to count. That negative feedback was water off this ducks back.
And I still think the lapel pin is a grown-ups equivalent to a primary school sports ‘participation ribbon’
I do take offence on his comment about “poor git who might not notice its fundamental flaws… Such as Navy ‘veterans’ of Afghanistan wearing one. (sorry…its all jokes) “. Looking at his article on ebay… he is not special forces, yet acts like he has done continuous and multiple combat tours of Afghanistan, collecting medals all the way. What a wanker.
I am ex navy and also ex security contractor.
If he didn’t like it then just don’t apply for it and acting like a war hero.
Nothing else to say except what a narcissistic tosser.
Do Veterans need such a pin etc. Would not the huge amount of money spent on this trinket be better spent on programs to assist veterans. Whilst I am a very proud veteran who has dealt with DVA over a long period without a great deal of success I don’t believe the government can say they have benefited veterans by providing this trinket. Pay a pension and benefits commensurate with that paid to politicians. Now that would suffice for all the hard work put in
Personally, I did not apply for the Covenant & Lapel Pin as o believed my RASB was enough to signify I was a Veteran & Returned Serviceman.
Last week I received them in the mail & now as I look at the Lapel Pin, I quite like it.
I did sit & ponder for & against arguments & declared that the reason Veteran can move forward is there are some out there just dirty at everything, most times even themselves.
I’ve fought hard for Veterans & Veterans are their own worst enemy.
I just look after my state organisation now & im very reluctant to fight anymore for Veterans as they are far more thing & toxic compared to DVA.
In stating this, I finally tackled DVA & found DVA far far easier to deal with than Veterans.
So in summing up, my question would be, do those Veterans who denigrate the Covenant & Lapel Pin truly deserve to wear it?
As for the Tosser who sold the Pin on E-bay, he should seriously have a good hard look at himself then seek help or give himself an uppercut.
Veterans are out there fighting for a better deal & this Plonker just set them back so far the Government will only laugh at Veterans now.
If Veterans can’t take things serious & be appreciative, then why should the government show the same respect for Veterans???
Anyway, Rant Over,
Yes Mick, I aggree with you and have also been dealing with the DVA on behalf of veterans of various deployments for quite a number of years now. I find in most cases many of the problems we have had with DVA seem to be because of a veteran not doing what is asked of him (no such problem with our sister veterans) and I do find that so many of the younger vets present with a different attitude and expectation than our Vietnam Veterans (but then I do not know a lot about the ‘modern day military”as my own experiences).
I am concerned that the bloke selling the pin needs a lot more help than his rant but doubt he will seek it as he seems to blame everything and everyone for his entire situation. I did not apply for the pin or covenant as I did not believe that anyone should have to and it should just be delivered automatically for each recipients personal decision to wear it or not.
With the current focus on Veteran suicide prevention, and providing a more meaningful and successful transition from Defence to Civilian life, why is the Veteran Lapel Pin being posted to Veterans via Australia Post ? This is a very impersonal and bureaucratic process for Veterans and minimises the respect and dignity that should be associated with the Pin and Covenant Oath.
The numerous ESO groups, RSLs and other organisations within the Veteran community could step up to the mark here and provide a personal presentation of the Pin and Covenant to the Veterans in their community with their family and friends. Local MPs and other community leaders could also be included in this event – acknowledging Veterans and their family within their community. This would also address those Veterans and families who have not experienced a successful and meaningful transition from Defence. (A community event for Veterans, families and friends, could be BBQ style, or at a local RSL Venue, or held at a local school with community groups like Lions, Rotary, CWA, providing refreshment and food and friendship.)
I acknowledge that not every Veteran would want to participate in this type of community event and that is their choice. However there would be many other Veterans and families who would be appreciative of a personal presentation within their community.
The Minister for Veterans and Defence Personnel, Hon Darren Chester MP, identified four critical priority areas at the Veteran Mental Health & Wellbeing Strategy and National Action Plan.
The four priority areas identified are:
• Health Care
• Transition
• Partnerships And Engagement
• Communication and Education.
A community based ceremony or event where Veterans would be personally presented with their Veteran Lapel Pin and Covenant Oath Certificate would be a good foundation to addressing all four critical priority areas identified as part of the Veteran Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy and National Action Plan. This ceremony would establish and demonstrate that the Minister and Government and associated representatives are committed to these four critical priority areas going forward.
All Veterans and their families, including those who are experiencing homelessness, suicide, disconnection and despair, need to be treated with dignity and respect and valued for their strength and wisdom.
Thanks for your input Kathy.
But, you can put me down for a ‘no’ on this idea.
All good Brian.
Keep up the good work you do. Cheers.
Regarding the eBay Veterans Pin post:
Firstly, it’s ” derring do” not “daring do”. I’m inclined to forgive the author’s obvious inability to command his/her own language.
Secondly, how cynical is the attitude regardless of his own experiences? How patently disrespectful of Veterans that have come before him?
Personally, I deeply appreciate the sacrifices of those Veterans who have come before me. I will wear my pin with pride at the very least, in deference to the dead and those surviving.
I promise not to dispose of my pin by any means, especially by auction to raise money to finance a personal project and I will never disguise such a reprehensible act as an exercise in “charity”.
It’s a ‘nothing’ item; not worth the cost of production. It’s not controlled; anyone can get one if he/she really wants one.
This is a Government PR e er use gone wring. Even the term Veteran has lost its once meaning.
An Ad well written!
I agree.
Sack the PM, the Useless Minister for Veteran Affairs, The Hopeless CEO for Veteran Affairs.
My local member Paul Fletcher cannot get any progress in my Appeal.
My hearing aids cost me $8,000 on top of a lousy $1,700 for their USELESS hearing aid.
Why doesn.t pay discount for all purchase via the Veteran Lapel Pin starting at a minimum of 20% discount
Veteran raise up in arms against the Government’s Dept of Veteran Affairs etc
A Soldiers Advocate
Don’t agree with putting it on ebay regardless of reason. Send it back with the same wording to DVA as well as a letter to the Non Mainstream Media ( MSM would ignore it anyway).
I do, however, agree entirely on the sentiments towards DVA. DVA are there to tighten the Governments purse strings, the Government thinks they spent enough on us already, and make our claims and lives difficult.
I have also seen a few Vets who are wearing it around.
All my opinion anyway.
Take care all!
Reading the post and assorted social media chatter it genetated, I think the key takeaway to come out of this ebay listing that flew right over a lot of peoples heads was the money spent rolling out the veterans covernant would’ve been better spent on existing programmes and reducing the abysmal suicide and mental illness rates in the veterans community.
By dismissing the lapel pin as a trinket, the seller makes it very clear (albeit layered in his unique style) that this pin serves next to no useful value to veterans welfare and reeks of a halfarse political initiative.
I’m in full agreement with you James.