PM still considering (but no decision on) Royal Commission into vet suicides
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Julie-Ann Finney, bereaved mother of former sailor Dave Finney who lost his life to suicide, met Prime Minister Scott Morrison for the second time in recent weeks.
CAPTION: Julie-Ann Finney meets Prime Minister Scott Morrison and newly returned Senator Jim Molan at Parliament House, Canberra.
Mrs Finney, who is campaigning hard for a Royal Commission into veteran suicides, with more than 260,000 signatures collected, said the PM was still considering her request.
“On Thursday, I met with the PM for a second time [and] he assured me that a royal commission is still not off the table,” Mrs Finney said.
“He promised me that they are actively considering it and that he will be thinking about it further over the Christmas break.
“I am thankful to the PM for seeing me again and for the other initiatives being undertaken to improve the lives of veterans.
“I also met with several members of the Labor Party – Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese, Deputy Opposition Leader Richard Marles and Shadow Minister Shayne Nuemann, who were supportive of me and the call for a Royal Commission.
“My meeting with Retired Army Major General Jim Molan also went well.
“These are all steps in the right direction, but a simple show of support by politicians is not enough.
“There are mothers like me, living with the trauma of having lost their son to suicide.
“Family members are plagued with the helplessness of being unable to save their loved one.
“We need to bring justice to these families so they can heal.
“There are veterans right now who need our help but we don’t have a system in place to give them the support they need.
“This crisis is affecting the every-day lives of veterans and their families.
“We need a Royal Commission now.”
Please continue sharing Julie-Ann Finney’s petition to keep pressure on the PM and others who will ultimately say yes or no to a Royal Commission.
Julie-Ann Finney says she is never giving up.
RELATED STORY: Julie-Ann Finney gets Labor on side
If you or someone you know needs help, please phone Lifeline on 131 114, Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800 or Beyond Blue on 1300 224 636.

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