New app digitises aviation regs

Australia’s Department of Defence has partnered with Australia’s leading app developer, Elegant Media, to create an online platform to store, manage and access the department’s regulatory aviation information.

FILE PHOTO (February 2019): Two Royal Australian Air Force F/A-18 Hornets take off at Avalon, Victoria. Photo by Corporal Jessica de Rouw.

Mainly pertaining to the maintenance side of the house, pilots will also have access – however, this new project does not link with the existing CAMM2 [computer-aided maintenance management] system.

Called the ‘Manual of Continuing Air Worthiness’, the project will provide a streamlined approach for ADF staff employed in aviation-related duties to access regulatory documentation via a single-source website and smart application via an electronic device.

Commencing in August this year, the project is expected to conclude in November, with sustainment works continuing until the end of 2021.

Project managed by Flight Lieutenant Justin Crosby and Flight Sergeant Daniel Cividin, this project involves digitising relevant regulative corporate processes, putting in place systems for real-time updates and then creating an online platform in the form of a website and app to enable staff to access the information at any time from virtually any location.

Flight Lieutenant Crosby said that many industries such as aviation were information and regulation intensive and involved the need to access significant volumes of information.

“[For efficiency], this requires fast and immediate access to the content at any time,” Flight Lieutenant Crosby said.

“This project will provide our people with the ability to access the information easily online rather than having to continually refer to hard-copy versions of the documentation.”

Co-founder and CEO of Elegant Media Anushka Bandara said that as experts in software development, Elegant Media understood the role of technology in supporting and facilitating improved workflows in business processes.

“Our software is developed using machine learning and other intelligent solutions so our focus is ensuring the technology we install intuitively supports the complex needs of human operations.

“We make life easier for people, and operations better for business.

“This platform is a wonderful example of how software technology can help people in the workplace to undertake their work with access to important and up-to-date information in real time.”

Users of the app will have access to the most recent information off-line, with the latest materials and updates downloaded automatically when an internet connection becomes available.

The app will be rolled out across all three services and for all platforms – fixed-wing, rotary and unmanned.

It is a secure application, compatible for use in conflict zones etc.









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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

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