AWE2018 partners Blue Hope and Mates4Mates

As I hope you all know by now, CONTACT is a proud Media Partner to Australian Warrior Expo.
As such, I am even prouder to announce this week that AWE2018 has now also formally partnered with Blue Hope and Mates4Mates as charity partners.
Event organiser Ash North said everyone behind AWE2018 was passionate about using the platform they were building, not just as a business, but also as a medium to support and serve the men and women who serve their country.
“AWE2018 will bring together companies that are passionate about delivering quality products and services to law-enforcement, military, emergency-services and security operators – and operators who want to meet like-minded individuals.
“We are building an event that we believe is unique in Australia – an event that is for and about the people who serve our nation.
“Building this platform, this forum, gives us a unique opportunity to serve and support them in return.
“And, by partnering with and supporting Blue Hope and Mates4Mates – passionate people who really know what they are doing – we are adding another important facet to what we want to achieve.”
CONTACT is very pleased to report that the passion and genuine-ness we have heard in numerous phone calls thus far, has convinced us fully that AWE’s heart is most definitely in the right place.
Yes, AWE2018 is a commercial enterprise that will hopefully turn a profit (because that’s the only way we can afford do it all again – and again) – but, yes, it is also genuinely about creating opportunities to give back to men and women currently standing on our front lines and thanking them for their service – AND, it is genuinely about giving back to men and women who have stood down from the front lines and are in need of a assistance.
For clarity (because CONTACT is a military magazine), the front lines that Australian men and women stand on also includes police, ambulance, fire-fighters, SES, security and anyone who puts their bodies and even their lives on the line in support and in defence of our modern, complicated and thankfully ‘lucky country’.
AWE2018 from 15 to 17 November 2018 is all about bringing law-enforcement, military, emergency-services and security operators together in a friendly, networking environment, to meet like-minded people and companies who support them and supply them with quality equipment.
AWE2018 will also have a huge focus on hospitality, encompassing a VIP Night and an AWE party for those who want to kick on over a bevy (more about those later).
And, through it’s newly announced partnerships with Blue Hope and Mates4Mates as charity partners, the giving will reach beyond the expo and parties to people who genuinely need a hand up.
And CONTACT is proud and happy to support such noble endeavours – and all that they stands for.
Brian Hartigan
