6 WING’S TOP SQUADRON 2018 – Part 1

Cadets compete for the coveted Catalina Cup
“Who will be 6 Wing’s top squadron for 2018”? That’s the question everyone was asking in the lead up to this year’s Queen’s Birthday long weekend.
CAPTION: The 622 Squadron team from Murray Bridge, winners of the Wing .22” LR Team Shooting Competition for the third successive year, with LCDT Jacob Lavery holding the .22” LR Champion Shot trophy. All photos by Flying Officer (AAFC) Paul Rosenzweig.
Cadets from the various squadrons throughout South Australia lived on base at RAAF Edinburgh for the weekend, providing a rare opportunity to build the camaraderie which they will carry with them onto other Wing activities and promotion courses.
The Catalina Cup is awarded to the champion squadron within No 6 Wing, with the highest aggregate score of all competitions held over the weekend.
On ‘Green Day’ the teams completed field-type activities within the Wing Fieldcraft and Teamwork Competition (individual shelter construction; judging distance; field movement, signals and formations; and navigation).
They also took part in shooting competitions with the .22” Long Rifle, and the F-88 on the Weapons Training Simulation System (WTSS).
Flying Officer (AAFC) Paul Rosenzweig, 6 Wing Public Affairs & Communication Officer, said “These activities gave the team leaders a chance to showcase their personal leadership talents, supported by a strong team effort from their squadron members”.
The Officer Commanding No 6 Wing, Wing Commander (AAFC) Peter Gill complimented all teams on their performance. The Green Day results were as follows:
Fieldcraft and Teamwork Competition
No 601 Squadron (Keswick Barracks)
F-88 (WTSS) Team Shooting Competition
No 609 Squadron (Warradale Barracks)
F-88 (WTSS) Champion Shot
Leading Cadet Caitlyn Edmunds, No 601 Squadron (Keswick Barracks)
.22” Long Rifle Team Shooting Competition
No 622 Squadron (Murray Bridge)
.22” LR Champion Shot
Leading Cadet Jacob Lavery, 622 Squadron (Murray Bridge)
Click images to enlarge:.

And 6 Wing’s top squadron for 2018?
Check back later for Part 2 (‘Blue Day’)…

The Australian Air Force Cadets (AAFC) is a youth oriented organisation which operates in a military and aviation environment. For recruitment enquiries in South Australia (cadet, staff, aviation instructor) pls contact: paco.6wg (at) aafc.org.au
For more information on the AAFC in SA: http://6wg.aafc.org.au/squadrons